
Consultation has concluded

The Evolve logo shows multiple speech bubbles to represent the project's focus of communicating with the community.

What is Evolve?

The objective of the Evolve project is to understand the community’s future needs and desires for the Town by October 2016 so that we can create a Strategic Community Plan for future years. Our desired outcome is for the Town and the community to work together to identify services and implement projects that meet the community's expectations.

To achieve this we want to start a conversation and engage with the community in a way that has never been done before. There will be genuine and open discussions with the community about the future of the Town.

At the end of the project, the Town will have a Strategic Community Plan, a Corporate Business Plan, a Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Plan(s), and a Workforce Plan; all of these documents being genuinely informed by the community.

What's happening now?

The public participation phase of Evolve has now ended.

We've had the feedback received through workshops, cafe conversations, online participation and pop-up engagement analysed, and have called for submissions on the Draft Abridged Strategic Community Plan 2017-2032.

The Strategic Community Plan is intended to outline the long-term vision, mission and strategic outcomes for the Town. The draft abridged document represents a shorter version of a traditional Strategic Community Plan. We wanted to include as much of the strategic components of the Plan in one document that could be easily read, hence this abridged version.

We will now be looking at the submissions received and making any required changes. The Strategic Community Plan will be considered by Council at a Special Council Meeting in late May 2017.

Want to know more about the project?

Send us an email to evolve@vicpark.wa.gov.au or call 9311 8111.

What is Evolve?

The objective of the Evolve project is to understand the community’s future needs and desires for the Town by October 2016 so that we can create a Strategic Community Plan for future years. Our desired outcome is for the Town and the community to work together to identify services and implement projects that meet the community's expectations.

To achieve this we want to start a conversation and engage with the community in a way that has never been done before. There will be genuine and open discussions with the community about the future of the Town.

At the end of the project, the Town will have a Strategic Community Plan, a Corporate Business Plan, a Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Plan(s), and a Workforce Plan; all of these documents being genuinely informed by the community.

What's happening now?

The public participation phase of Evolve has now ended.

We've had the feedback received through workshops, cafe conversations, online participation and pop-up engagement analysed, and have called for submissions on the Draft Abridged Strategic Community Plan 2017-2032.

The Strategic Community Plan is intended to outline the long-term vision, mission and strategic outcomes for the Town. The draft abridged document represents a shorter version of a traditional Strategic Community Plan. We wanted to include as much of the strategic components of the Plan in one document that could be easily read, hence this abridged version.

We will now be looking at the submissions received and making any required changes. The Strategic Community Plan will be considered by Council at a Special Council Meeting in late May 2017.

Want to know more about the project?

Send us an email to evolve@vicpark.wa.gov.au or call 9311 8111.

Discussions: All (16) Open (0)
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    Read the Draft Abridged Strategic Community Plan 2017-2032 and let us know your thoughts. 

    • What's your favourite vision?
    • Will the mission achieve the vision? 
    • Should something else be included in the strategic outcomes to help us implement the mission? 
    • Are the strategic measures too low?
    • Is there anything else you would like to comment on? 
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    The Town of Victoria Park is currently developing a new public health plan. This process includes identifying the public health needs of the community.

    To ensure the plan meets local needs the Town is seeking feedback from the community regarding public health priorities. 

    As a community member, what is your biggest public health concern and what do you think could be done to improve it?

  • Could we improve your experience when visiting us?

    by Lathlain Precinct Project Team, almost 8 years ago
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    When visiting the Town's Administration Centre, what would help to make your visit a positive one?

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    What roads under the Town's control and care do you feel need significant investment to improve safety and/or increase capacity? 

    Note: Shepperton Road, Orrong Road, Canning Hwy and Great Eastern Highway are all managed by Main Roads WA and are not the responsibility of the Town of Victoria Park.

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    The Life in the Park newsletter is produced quarterly and includes news, information and events happening in our local community. 

    We have received feedback that some people in the community do not receive the newsletter in their letterbox.

    Delivery of the newsletter currently costs $800 per issue, however delivery is not guaranteed. 

    It would cost approximately $5,000 to engage Australia Post to deliver the newsletter, which should guarantee delivery to every household in the Town. 

    Would you prefer the Town to:

    1. Spend $800 on delivery per issue
    2. Spend $5,000 on delivery per issue
    3. Only have the newsletter available online
    4. Provide another option - please include details of your suggestion
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    The Town recognises the huge importance trees play in our community. Trees have a strong influence in the overall health and wellbeing of the community and undoubtedly positively increase the aesthetic appearance of our streetscapes.

    The Town awarded a three year contract, via a public tender in June this year, to a consulting Arborist firm to assess every tree in the Town, map its location and provide information as to what maintenance works are required. This information will form the base data required to begin to develop a tree management strategy, popularly known today as an "Urban Forest Strategy".

    This data will also be used to identify opportunities to increase the Town's annual planting numbers to combat, amongst other issues, urban heat islands. Each tree will also be assigned a value according to an established valuing method, enabling the Town to place a monetary value on its living assets. This value will be required when they may become compromised in a development application process.

    The Town will be seeking community input at all stages as the strategy develops and the Evolve project would like to start the conversation.

    Do you think the Town’s tree canopy cover should be improved?

    Which areas are in need of attention?

    Do you have any suggestions on how the Town could provide more canopy cover?

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    Sporting clubs make a significant contribution towards health, wellbeing, inclusion and the development of a community. Currently, the Town supports a number of sporting clubs, including cricket, soccer, hockey and swimming.

    Do you think that the Town should provide support to sporting clubs?

    If so, what type of support should the Town provide, and do you think the Town currently provides an adequate level of support? How could we improve how we support our sporting clubs?

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    The Town currently provides each household with a recycling bin (collected once a fortnight) and a general waste bin (collected weekly).

    1. Are you happy with this service?

    2. Do you think this service could be improved? For example, a change to frequency of collection or options for other waste items to be collected.

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    The Town currently provides four rounds of kerbside green waste collection and two rounds of kerbside bulk waste collection, at a cost amounting to about 1% of the total rates collected.  

    1. Would you be interested in reducing the green waste collection to two times a year to possibly save approximately 0.2% on rates? Note: The total tonnage for green waste collected per year may still be the same and the disposal cost would therefore not be significantly different.

    2. Would you be interested in getting up to three mini skip type bulk bins per year instead of the current verge side collection method? This may increase your rates by 2.9%, just for this service. Note: Not all properties within the Town are serviceable by bin transport trucks.

    3. Do you have any other ideas that could improve the kerbside green waste and bulk waste collection service or are you satisfied with the service you currently receive?
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    The Town is able to communicate and engage with residents and ratepayers through mail.

    It would cost approximately $11,000, just in postage, to ensure a letter is received by every resident and ratepayer of the Town. 

    Do you think it is worth spending $11,000 to ensure all residents are kept informed or given an opportunity to engage?

    If so, in what situations do you think mail should be sent to all residents and ratepayers of the Town?