Synthetic Turf Hockey Facility
Consultation has concluded

The Town of Victoria Park is currently exploring a range of opportunities and strategies to provide the Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club (VPXHC) with a synthetic turf hockey field to complement the grass hockey fields they train and play on.
The VPXHC is one of Perth's largest hockey clubs with more than 600 members; making it one of the Town’s largest sporting group. From its junior Minkey program through to experienced players, the club caters for players of all ages and abilities.
Throughout Australia, hockey is now predominantly played on synthetic turf surfaces. The Town has acknowledged that if VPXHC is to remain competitive and sustainable they require a synthetic turf field.
In 2015 the Town decided to explore the feasibility of building a new synthetic turf field for the Club. A feasibility study completed in 2015 identified Harold Rossiter Reserve as a potential location for a new field, which resulted in the development of a business case to aid decision-making.
Council made a resolution at its meeting on 11 July 2017 to receive the business case, and investigate additional locations and strategies to provide the VPXHC with a synthetic turf surface.
The Town undertook community engagement, including three workshops attended by 134 people, an online and hardcopy survey completed by 379 people, a quick poll with 2,209 votes, 142 questions answered and 32 ideas shared. The final Report contains a site assessment of alternative locations, and a comprehensive summary of all feedback received.
What's happening now?
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on the 10 October 2017, an alternate motion was carried unanimously that Harold Rossiter Reserve and Raphael Park are not suitable locations for a synthetic turf facility for the VPXHC. These locations will not be considered in future investigations.
The Town of Victoria Park Council is committed to continue working with the VPXHC together with the community and other stakeholders to investigate alternative locations and strategies for a synthetic turf facility for the VPXHC, and that the Town’s Public Open Space Strategy inform this investigation.
How can you be involved, find out more or provide feedback?
Community engagement has concluded for this project. You can however find out more information by reading the FAQ'S and the information in the document library.