Final hockey report available

The final Synthetic Turf Hockey Facility Site Assessment Report is now available for you to view. The report, compiled by Dave Lanfear Consulting is the result of a Council decision made on 11 July, to explore alternative locations and strategies to provide the Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club (VPXHC) with a synthetic turf to complement their grass hockey fields.
The Town undertook community engagement, including three workshops attended by 134 people, an online and hardcopy survey completed by 379 people, a quick poll with 2,209 votes, 142 questions answered and 32 ideas shared. The final Report contains a site assessment of alternative locations, and a comprehensive summary of all feedback received.
The report to Council is now available in the document library and contains a recommendation for Council to decide on at its meeting on Tuesday 10 October.
We wish to thank everyone for their involvement and interest in the project.
Consultation has concluded