Shape Albany Highway
Stage 3: Draft Precinct Structure Plan
The Albany Highway Precinct Structure Plan is here!
After years of community engagement, precinct planning and hard work, the Town is proud to present our draft plans that will guide future development of the iconic Albany Highway strip.
The Albany Highway Precinct Structure Plan will support new development and growth of the precinct as a distinct, sustainable, and vibrant place, with a strong local focus and regional appeal.
The objectives of the precinct structure plan aim to enhance local ecology, expand public open space, improve walkability, support active transport, and encourage innovative and sustainable development that complements the precinct’s existing character.
The deadline for feedback on the draft Albany Highway Precinct Structure Plan has been extended to 13 March 2025.
The story so far
From 2021-2023, the Shape Albany Highway community engagement campaign sought to understand how Albany Highway currently functions and how the community would like to see the precinct grow into the future.
In stage 1, local residents, businesses and visitors shared their aspirations for the future of Albany Highway.
Stage 1 outcomes:
In stage 2, a community reference group provided detailed input into the precinct planning process. Stage 1 outcomes were used to create a preferred growth scenario and key supporting strategies.
Stage 2 outcomes:
Concept Design Summary Report
Supporting Strategies (Built Form, Public Realm, Transport)
Preferred Growth Scenario
The proposed growth scenario and supporting strategies were endorsed by Council in July 2023, which allowed the Precinct Structure Plan to be drafted.
View the Precinct Structure Plan
The Albany Highway Precinct Structure Plan and supporting documents can be viewed below.
Share Your Thoughts
Feedback can be shared by completing our online survey available below. Alternatively, you can contact the Town directly on 9311 8111 or
What’s next?
Following the statutory advertising period, all feedback will be reviewed, and further modifications will be considered. The final Albany Highway Precinct Structure Plan will be presented to Council for endorsement to seek approval from the Western Australian Planning Commission (the final decision maker).
In accordance with Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015, the precinct structure plan will become operational once approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission.
For more information, contact the Town on 9311 8111 or