McCallum Park Active Area
Consultation has concluded

The Town recently developed the Taylor Reserve and McCallum Park Concept Plan to guide the provision of a variety of exciting new high quality spaces along the Swan River foreshore. The concept plan was endorsed by Council in March 2018.
The Town has now progressed to the next element of the project, which is the refined concept design of the skate park and activity hub. This includes the redevelopment of the original skate park and creation of new recreational activity zones.
Emerge Associates, in association with Skate Sculpture and Newline Skate parks have been appointed by the Town to undertake the engagement and design concept.
13 December 2019 → 10 January 2020 the Town sought community feedback on the first draft concept design. 504 people visited the project page and 107 people provided feedback online and at the Christmas pop up event.
28 March 2020 → 12 April 2020 the public were able to provide comments on the final design report. 50 people provided a submission on the final draft design with 90% of those submissions indicating support for the project.
16 June 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting, Elected Members approved the McCallum Park Active Area Concept Report and considered the Town's budget requested for detailed design to be undertaken in the 2020/21 Annual Budget. Council also approved listing $1.6 million in the Town's long-term financial plan, which is one-third of the approximate cost of the project.
What's happening now?
Following Council's resolution and subject to approval of funding in the 2020/21 Annual Budget the Town will be undertaking detailed design for the McCalllum Park Active Area project.
How can I complete a submission or find out more information
- Contact the Town on 08 9311 8111
- Read the FAQ's or the documents in the library