McCallum Park and Taylor Reserve Concept Plan

Consultation has concluded

In 2015, the Town developed a Foreshore Access and Management Plan, which provided a framework to take a coordinate and consistent approach to foreshore management in the Town, in partnership with stakeholders, to improve the environmental, recreational and aesthetic amenity of the asset, as well as improve accessibility for the community.

Working in accordance with the Foreshore Access and Management Plan, the Town is now progressing the next stage, which is focused on the design of Taylor Reserve and McCallum Park. This first stage comprises two components:

  • Concept design for the landscape elements of the site

  • Detailed design for the river edge treatments at McCallum Park/Taylor Reserve.

An engagement process began in 2014/15 for the development of the overarching Foreshore Access and Management Plan and continued in 2016/17 for the development of the McCallum Park and Taylor Reserve design. This has included four community and stakeholder workshops and a recent submission process that received 27 online and hardcopy submissions. The feedback the Town received from our community and stakeholders was valuable in the development of a subsequent revision of the Concept Report.

The Town of Victoria Park recently undertook public consultation on the draft Taylor Reserve/McCallum Park Concept Report, including four community and stakeholder workshops and a submission process that received 27 online and hardcopy submissions. The feedback the Town received from our community and stakeholders was valuable in the development of a subsequent revision of the Concept Report.

What's happening now?

The McCallum Park and Taylor Reserve Concept Plan was endorsed by council at it’s Ordinary Council Meeting in January 2018. Thank you to everyone that was involved.

In 2015, the Town developed a Foreshore Access and Management Plan, which provided a framework to take a coordinate and consistent approach to foreshore management in the Town, in partnership with stakeholders, to improve the environmental, recreational and aesthetic amenity of the asset, as well as improve accessibility for the community.

Working in accordance with the Foreshore Access and Management Plan, the Town is now progressing the next stage, which is focused on the design of Taylor Reserve and McCallum Park. This first stage comprises two components:

  • Concept design for the landscape elements of the site

  • Detailed design for the river edge treatments at McCallum Park/Taylor Reserve.

An engagement process began in 2014/15 for the development of the overarching Foreshore Access and Management Plan and continued in 2016/17 for the development of the McCallum Park and Taylor Reserve design. This has included four community and stakeholder workshops and a recent submission process that received 27 online and hardcopy submissions. The feedback the Town received from our community and stakeholders was valuable in the development of a subsequent revision of the Concept Report.

The Town of Victoria Park recently undertook public consultation on the draft Taylor Reserve/McCallum Park Concept Report, including four community and stakeholder workshops and a submission process that received 27 online and hardcopy submissions. The feedback the Town received from our community and stakeholders was valuable in the development of a subsequent revision of the Concept Report.

What's happening now?

The McCallum Park and Taylor Reserve Concept Plan was endorsed by council at it’s Ordinary Council Meeting in January 2018. Thank you to everyone that was involved.

Consultation has concluded

  • Is upgrading the pedestrian access to the site part of the development? And if so, how will pedestrian access to the site be upgraded? If not, will there be plans and a budget to upgrade access? The pedestrian access to the site is not inviting or very safe. The traffic lights at Berwick St and Canning Hwy do not prioritise pedestrian traffic and do not offer enough space or safety for people. The underpass on Canning Hwy is dark, and the entrance on the Southside is not welcoming. The path under the Canning Hwy overpass is okay. Most likely the Town does not own or have permission to upgrade these assets, but I'll be great if you can talk to the government departments to improve the pedestrian access.

    dleggo asked over 7 years ago


    Many thanks for your query.

    Agreed, the accessibility to the site itself could be improved. 

    Whilst there are some areas that do not come under the Town's responsibility, they are items that the Town could work with relevant authorities (e.g. Main Roads) to make more pedestrian friendly. 

    Regarding the Canning Hwy Underpass, the Town recognises that this could certainly be improved.  Whilst it is outside the scope of the current project, it is something that could be addressed as part of holistic access and way-finding improvement in future.  This is particularly important as we want to have Taylor Reserve and McCallum Park be a destination of choice of our community and visitors.  

    Treatment of Taylor St will be modified to make it more pedestrian-centric.

  • The revised concept plan looks good. Will cyclist/pedestrian interactions be minimized? Will there be adequate provision of drinking water stations for humans and their dogs? Will there be adequate provision for dog and other waste collection?

    rantipolean asked over 7 years ago

    Good afternoon

    Thanks for your queries.

    Yes, in light of concern from the community regarding the potential conflicts between cyclists and pedestrians, a dedicated cycle path will run around the perimeter of the site (linking in the South Perth cycle path), whilst the pedestrian path will run along the foreshore itself.  

    Regarding the provision of water stations, whilst not shown on the Concept Plan, the Town is aware that appropriate levels of minor infrastructure, such as bins and water stations, will need to be provided.  This will be explored as part of future detailed design for the site. 

  • I would like to know more specific details on tree planting in the different activity zones. In particular, how will the MacCallum Park concept plan contribute to the Town's goal of an overall 20% tree canopy across the Town? This policy means that POS areas will need a great deal more trees than now, so as to balance the losses on private land.

    Big V asked about 7 years ago

    Thank you for your query.

    The planting scheme will be a dominated by native species, however selected areas of exotic species will be used where appropriate. The use of exotic species is generally isolated to parking areas as well as the activity hub in order to promote year round usage. In areas within the riparian zone, planting will be with endemic plants appropriate to the local environment and can be expected to be tolerant to local conditions.

    Within the Taylor Reserve and McCallum Park Concept Report (which can be found in the Document Library) there are some indicative plant species, however these will be determined as the project moves into staged detailed design.  In alignment with the aim of increasing canopy to 20%, the Town will certainly need to be mindful of the outcomes of the Urban Forest Strategy and to maximise revegetation opportunities as much as possible.  This will be accommodated on a zone by zone basis as we move into detailed design.

  • Plan sounds good. Are there any specific reasons why the MCallum Park/Taylor Reserve area has not been open to the development of a small café/kiosk (like the lo Quay at Riverton, Kiosk at Garvey Park Ascot, café at Tomato Lake, Canning River café at Kent St weir or tea rooms on Matildas Bay) Surely this stretch of water used by thousands of walkers and cyclists is crying out for a place to stop for coffee, icecream or even fish and chips. A small jetty and/or cane landing would also be great for those visiting from the water.

    Bikerbetty asked over 7 years ago


    Thanks for your query.

    Agreed, in line with the high use of the site, this area has been long been in need of a café or restaurant facility.  The Concept Plan has made allowance for this development in future, as well as a decking platform.  Point number 9 on the concept itself lists "Viewing Deck/Future Restaurant Site".

    Thanks again, hope this helps.



  • A lot of people use this area for walking, running & cycling in the morning (during the day, afternoon/evening also), how will they access this area, From what I can make out from the diagram, there's only one access point - up near the bridge. How many old growth trees will be killed to be replaced with low growing native plant species. Will this area be fenced and will it incur a cost to access. I will be really upset if I can't access this beautiful river walk with it's shady trees and fauna anymore for man made ugly structures. It's a perfect way to start the day.

    Jenny asked over 7 years ago

    Good afternoon Jenny

    Thank you for your queries.

    The Town recognises that there are a number of significant mature indigenous and exotic tree specimens on site that will be retained. The design has been developed around the framework of the existing trees to ensure we retain the established landscape feel. Some mature trees provide useful cues for wayfinding, and are utilised for gathering spaces and play opportunities.

    There are several smaller immature trees that may be transplanted when upgrading the foreshore however these will be replaced with an appropriate number of trees and shade to the new bike path.

    Regarding fencing, there is no intent to fence.  The idea of the design is to improve accessibility and connection to the river. 


  • Has a synthetic hockey field and clubrooms been considered for Taylor Reserve as part of the redevelopment?

    Lamont asked over 7 years ago

    Hi Lamont. No synthetic hockey field has been considered for this project.