Commemorating Prominent Women

Consultation has concluded

The Town is beginning a journey to recognise and to celebrate prominent women in its history. These prominent women will be celebrated in various ways now and in the future, including the naming of streets, lanes, rights-of-way, Town infrastructure, buildings, parks and reserves.

What is happening now?

Consultation is closed.

How can I get involved or find out more information?

The Town is beginning a journey to recognise and to celebrate prominent women in its history. These prominent women will be celebrated in various ways now and in the future, including the naming of streets, lanes, rights-of-way, Town infrastructure, buildings, parks and reserves.

What is happening now?

Consultation is closed.

How can I get involved or find out more information?

Consultation has concluded
  • I believe this to be politically incorrect. Surely in these times of equality, we should be asking for "Prominent People". Why are you specifying women only?

    SteveHVP asked almost 5 years ago

    Thanks for your question.  At it's Ordinary Council Meeting in August 2019, Council resolved to: 

    1. Note the preliminary list of prominent women, with the inclusion of Elizabeth Baillie, who have been identified as having made a significant contribution to the Town for the purposes of renaming/naming parks and or reserves in their honour and;
    2. Advertise the preliminary list of prominent women to the community for further suggestions of names for naming/renaming parks and or reserves

    The Town has a very small list of prominent women. When and if women are mentioned in historical records they are often mentioned with their husband’s initials, as was the tradition of the time, and not their own. This has made it very hard to include and find women to include in the Towns history. In times of equality, this is why we are focusing on women at this point in time. 

    Our commemorative recognition policy and nomination is open to men and women.

  • I wouldn’t support the inclusion of a AGNES CARMEL EDMISTON (1922-2010) Aircraftwoman in the RAAF in WWII Born: 06/06/1922 Victoria Park WA Date of enlistment: 10/06/1942 South Perth, WA Date of discharge: 26/11/1944 Died: 16/9/2010 Como aged 88 As I see her connection to Victoria park as being very loose, she enlisted in sth perth. I know she lived the majority of her life in Applecross. It would be like me saying I have a connection to Mt hawthorn because I was born in a hospital there.

    Hazy3514 asked almost 5 years ago

    Thank you for providing your feedback. This has been sent to the Town's Local Historian for their consideration.