Closed consultations
Local Planning Policy 42 - Vehicular Access for Residential Development
Draft Local Planning Policy 42 - Vehicular Access for Residential Development has been prepared to restrict the number of vehicle crossovers to a development site to maximise opportunities for on-street parking and to protect street trees.
Archer/Mint Street Design Project
In March 2020, community consultation revealed that community priorities for the project should be to create a streetscape that improves walk ability and vibrancy around local businesses while improving shading and tree canopy coverage wherever possible. We have developed a draft design to address these priorities while improving safety and accessibility for all users of the street.
Town of Victoria Park - Place Plans
The Place Plans are the culmination of a review and analysis of the Town’s informing strategies and plans; a review of relevant data sets; and a current understanding of best practice.
G.O. Edwards Park - proposed dog exercise area
G.O. Edwards Park is a prestigious passive park bounded by Great Eastern Highway, Burswood Road and Craig Street within the Town of Victoria Park. It comprises 10.37 hectares of high quality parkland containing many stately mature trees, open turf, playground and a rehabilitated wetland area. The reserve is a popular destination and is frequently booked for weddings and functions.
Restart Vic Park - Community impact survey
We want to hear from our community on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted you. What challenges have you faced? How well did the Town respond? What are the changes that you’ve experienced? Share your story and be part of our history.
Differential rates for the year ending 30 June 2021
In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is hereby given of the intention by the Town of Victoria Park to adopt the following rates in the dollar for Gross Rental Value and minimum payments for each of the following differential categories in the 2020-2021 financial year.
Amendment to Town Planning Scheme No. 1 - Additional Use (Restaurant/Cafe) for No 53 & 55 Canning Highway, Victoria Park
Council has received a request to amend the Town of Victoria Park Town Planning Scheme No. 1 for the purpose of Amending ‘Schedule C – Additional Uses’ by inserting the use of ‘Restaurant/Café‘ as a discretionary use on No. 53 and 55 (Lots 31, 32 and 33) Canning Highway, Victoria Park.
Review and update to the Local Heritage Survey
The Town has conducted a review and update of the Local Heritage Survey. The Local Heritage Survey (previously known as the Municipal Heritage Inventory) was prepared in 2000 and is a guiding document outlining the heritage value of various historic buildings throughout the Town. The Local Heritage Survey does not form part of the Town Planning scheme, however it provides a thematic framework that has identified places of historical and cultural significance.
Name the Laneway - ROW52
The current name Right of Way 52 doesn’t reflect the new look. We’re asking you to help us rename it.
Amendment No. 86 to Town Planning Scheme No. 1
The Town is considering an amendment to Town Planning Scheme No. 1 to rezone No. 4-6 (Lots 5 and 6) Temple Street, Victoria Park from ‘Public Purpose – Civic Use’ Reserve to ‘Residential R60’.