- Consolidate and simplify existing internal practices and procedures
- Increase efficiency, reduce administrative costs for the Town and simplify permit application procedures for mobile food vendors
- Identify under-utilised public spaces in the community and make them available to diverse food vehicle businesses that offer culturally unique, healthy, fresh, high quality, safe and reasonably priced food
- Increase utilisation of public open space and reserves
- Promote the Town as a food and beverage destination of choice
- Allow vendors the opportunity to provide an alternative offering to regular takeaway food and new interesting food experiences
- Encourage new, interesting, alternate and healthy food options
- Provide the opportunity for small businesses to develop and grow
- To create social community hubs and memorable experiences.
Attractive - We will attract people and businesses into our Town. Our Town will be the destination for lifestyle, work and recreation.
Social - The outcome is to provide an environment where the community can live a safe, healthy and active life with opportunities to participate in socially diverse and culturally rich activities and exchanges.
Economic - The outcome is to provide the community with a vibrant, strong and sustainable local economy as well as a range of business and employment opportunities.
Events and Place Activation Strategy – Commercial Partnerships Strategic partnerships with local business and stakeholders- Businesses showcasing experiences, services and products to attract visitors and enhance the profile of Vic Park (activation of a variety of spaces).
Reduction in the number of mobile food vendors operating at any one time from 6 to 3 per designated trading area (excludes McCallum Park); and
Removal of the following proposed trading locations:
Edward Millen Park;
Fraser Park;
J A Lee Reserve;
John Macmillan Park (note: this does not affect existing approved operations of TGIF markets at this site);
Raphael Park; and
Rayment Park.
Research, information gathering, stakeholder liaison and community survey.
Report on and consider community survey submissions.
Develop draft policy.
Consideration of draft policy by Future Planning Committee.
Three week formal community consultation period.
Directly seek feedback/comments from all previously consulted parties and submitters.
Publicly advertise for submissions from the community generally.
Referral of draft policy and formal submission to Council meeting.
Council to consider submissions received and determine whether to:
adopt the draft policy
adopt the draft policy with minor amendments
amend the policy and publicly re-advertise for further consideration
not progress the draft policy.
Adoption of the policy may occur on a trial basis with its continued operation to be reviewed at a later date.
Distribute and communicate adopted policy to all stakeholders and submitters.
Publicise adoption and make available on the Town's website.
Promote and implement policy to interested stakeholders and participants internal and external to the Town.
What is a mobile food vendor?
What is a food business?
A food business is any business or activity that involves the sale of food or the handling of any type of food for sale in Australia, with the exception of some primary food production activities.
Why is the Town developing a Mobile Food Vendor Policy?
What will the policy deal with?
How will the policy align with our Strategic Community Plan?
The Town’s Strategic Community Plan is the principal strategy outlining the long-term vision, values, aspirations and priorities for the Town of Victoria Park for the next 15 years. The policy will align with the plan by embracing the following outcomes.
What recommendations have been put forward to council so far and what was the outcome?
A report prepared by Council Officers summarising the submissions received during the consultation period and recommending a number of changes to the draft policy was considered by the Town’s Future Planning Committee on 19 September 2018.
The major modifications recommended to the draft policy by Council Officers includes:
The Future Planning Committee considered the report and proposed changes to the draft policy and resolved the following:
The Future Planning Committee recommends that Council:
1. Adopts the modified version of draft policy ‘HLTH6 Mobile Food Vendors (Vic Park Vendor’s) Policy’, as contained in Appendix 1, on a trial basis from 1 November 2018 to 31 March 2019;
2. Waives application fees for submission of an application for a ‘Vic Park Vendor’s Permit’ for the duration of the policy trial (with all permits issued to expire upon conclusion of the trial);
3. Receives a further report reviewing the trial implementation of the draft policy by 30 June 2019 to determine whether it will formally adopt the draft policy, with or without modifications;
4. Advises all persons whom have lodged a submission on the draft policy, during the community consultation period, of its decision; and
5. During the trial period no temporary food business permits be approved for on street vending or itinerant food vendors.
The full report and proposed modified version of the draft policy can be accessed from the Minutes and Appendicesof the Future Planning Committee Meeting held on 19 September 2018 contained in the Document Library.
Council decision made at Ordinary Meeting held on 9th October 2018
The Draft Policy (as recommended to be further modified by Council Officers) was considered by the Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 9 October 2018 where it resolved to:
1. Defer the motion to adopt the modified version of draft policy ‘HLTH6 Mobile Food Vendors (Vic Park Vendor’s) Policy’ on a trial basis from 1 November 2018 to 31 March 2019;
2. Directs the Chief Executive Officer to convene a workshop with local business owners to consult with them about the Policy, and report the outcome of the workshop to the Future Planning Committee for consideration; and
3. Refer the draft HLTH6 Mobile Food Vendors (Vic Park Vendor’s) Policy (“the Policy”) back to the Future Planning Committee for further consideration after receiving a report on the outcome of the workshop.
The reasons provided for the above decision were as follows:
1. There is an opportunity for public consultation with local business in the Town regarding the Policy in light of concerns expressed by local businesses about the extent of public consultation;
2. The Future Planning Committee will have an opportunity to consider the outcome of the workshop as part of a further consideration of the Policy and any recommendation to Council; and
3. Council is able to make an informed decision.
Further details regarding the Council’s decision are available through the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting available from the Document Library.
What stages or approvals are necessary before the policy is operational?
Stage 1: Preliminary engagement and policy research and development
Stage 2: Policy development and preparation
Stage 3: Formal consultation on draft policy
Stage 4: Consideration of formal submissions and policy adoption by Council
Stage 5: Policy promotion and implementation
How can I be involved in the process?