Draft Mobile Food Vendors Policy
Consultation has concluded

The Town of Victoria Park has developed a Draft Mobile Food Vendors Policy to guide the location, operation and regulation of mobile food vendors (e.g. food trucks) within our local government area.
The draft policy was prepared following preliminary consultation with the local residents, property owners, the business community and existing and potential mobile food vendors. A summary of the outcomes of this initial phase of the project is located in the document library.
The draft policy nominates a number of public open spaces (designated trading areas) around the Town where approved mobile food vendors (Vic Park Vendors) will be able to trade. The draft policy aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Increased enjoyment and activation of our parks and reserves
- Improved safety and surveillance
- Greater choice and diversity of local food options
- Enhanced sense of place and community well-being
The Draft Policy (as recommended to be further modified by Council Officers) was considered by the Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 9 October 2018 where it resolved to:
1. Defer the motion to adopt the modified version of draft policy ‘HLTH6 Mobile Food Vendors (Vic Park Vendor’s) Policy’ on a trial basis from 1 November 2018 to 31 March 2019;
2. Directs the Chief Executive Officer to convene a workshop with local business owners to consult with them about the Policy, and report the outcome of the workshop to the Future Planning Committee for consideration; and
3. Refer the draft HLTH6 Mobile Food Vendors (Vic Park Vendor’s) Policy (“the Policy”) back to the Future Planning Committee for further consideration after receiving a report on the outcome of the workshop.
The reasons provided for the above decision were as follows:
1. There is an opportunity for public consultation with local business in the Town regarding the Policy in light of concerns expressed by local businesses about the extent of public consultation;
2. The Future Planning Committee will have an opportunity to consider the outcome of the workshop as part of a further consideration of the Policy and any recommendation to Council; and
3. Council is able to make an informed decision.
Further details regarding the Council’s decision are available through the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting available from the Document Library.
What is happening now?
At it's Ordinary Council Meeting in August 2019, Town Officers recommended adoption of the Draft Council Policy 406 - Temporary Food Businesses and Itinerant Food Vendors with changes to the previously drafted policy. Council resolved the following :
- Adopt draft Council Policy 406 ‘Temporary Food Businesses and Itinerant Food Vendors
- Reviews the policy after 18 months from its adoption to measure its success, and consider any changes that could be made to address the needs of all stakeholders.
Thank you to everyone that was involved in this project.
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- Read the information in the document library or FAQ's
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