Higgins Park and Playfield Reserve Masterplan

Consultation has concluded

The Town is developing a masterplan for Higgins Park and Playfield Reserve with an aim to guide the short and long term revitalisation of the site.

Higgins Park, Fred Bell Parade and Playfield Reserve (the site) form an eight-hectare parcel of public open space. This site is regarded as one of the Town’s main formal sporting facilities as well as a key recreational amenity for the local community. Given the site’s land size, the projected population growth, and the need for formalised sporting areas, the Town has appointed consultant Place Laboratory to prepare a number of masterplan options for the site.

The masterplan options will seek to:

  • Optimise regional active recreation opportunities on the site.
  • Maximise and modernise the recreational offering of the site.
  • Enhance and provide passive recreation amenity to the local community.
  • Make public open space and Town assets work for the community.
  • Align with and deliver on objectives of the Public Open Space Strategy.

The masterplan options aim to identify spatial configurations for football, hockey and shared uses. The Town will not support the implementation of a masterplan option that removes any existing users from the site, unless a suitable alternative location that caters to their needs is determined.

What is happening now?

This project was considered at special Council meetings in December 2020. The minutes of this meeting can be seen in the document library and on the Town's website https://www.victoriapark.wa.gov.au/Minutes-and-agendas

The final resolution reads that Council:

1. Acknowledges the submissions received during the public comment period.

2. Endorses the Higgins Park and Playfield Reserve Masterplan based on the sporting configuration in option 3 to proceed to the Design Development stage, including but not limited to the following:

a) community engagement plan to further inform the design development;

b) a strategic advocacy and communications strategy;

c) a feasibility assessment of the 2 existing sports club buildings to determine the need for, and suitability for renovation and extension, compared to rebuild;

d) a feasibility assessment to determine the need for, and extent of any refurbishment work to the RSL building;

e) report on the works required for each of the western, central and eastern zones with detailed cost estimates for each zone;

f) Landscape design, play compliance, access and inclusion advice, feature survey, civil works, irrigation and drainage, grading and demolition, materials, plants and palettes, lighting design;

g) detailed cost estimates for the work listed in 2(f);

h) detailed cost estimates for the works identified in the Notes on page 25 of the Master Plan;

i) Architectural design, as needed;

j) detailed staging plan informed by funding sources with incremental upgrades towards the Masterplan design;

k) interim relocation plan for construction phase, complete with costings;

l) a management model for a multi-sport facility developed with all relevant clubs.

3. Endorses the Higgins Park and Playfield Reserve Masterplan to include the following in the Design Development stage:

a) Further investigation into the closure or shared use of Playfield Street between Ramsden Avenue and Etwell Street,

b) Further investigation into the closure or shared use of Fred Bell Parade from Hill View Terrace,

c) An extension of the youth zone, fitness equipment and ramped access on the embankment, as shown in option 3, and

d) A community play space, as shown in option 3, maximising the space available with the endorsed sporting configuration.

4. Approves the Chief Executive Officer to list the Design Development stage of the project for consideration in the 2021/22 draft Annual Budget.

5. Approves the Higgins Park and Playfield Reserve Masterplan to be included as an advocacy project.

6. Requests the Chief Executive Officer to continue working with the Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club to identify further partnership or location opportunities available, including through the implementation of the Public Open Space Strategy, and to:

1. organise a meeting by the end of February 2021 between the Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club, representatives of Council, the Town and Hockey WA to discuss the future sporting requirements of the Hockey Club;

2. establish a working group by March 2021 comprising members of the Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club, councillors, Hockey WA and community representatives to advise Council on the future sporting requirements of the Hockey Club;

3. report to Council at its ordinary meeting in March 2021 as to the outcome of the meeting and the establishment of a working group.

7. Requests the Chief Executive Officer write to the stakeholder groups involved, thank them for their ongoing involvement and advise them of the next steps to come.

How can I find out more information?

  • View the draft masterplan, appendices and the Council Meeting Report and Minutes in the document library.
  • Read the FAQs in the document library.
  • Listen to the recording of the Council Meetings.

The Town is developing a masterplan for Higgins Park and Playfield Reserve with an aim to guide the short and long term revitalisation of the site.

Higgins Park, Fred Bell Parade and Playfield Reserve (the site) form an eight-hectare parcel of public open space. This site is regarded as one of the Town’s main formal sporting facilities as well as a key recreational amenity for the local community. Given the site’s land size, the projected population growth, and the need for formalised sporting areas, the Town has appointed consultant Place Laboratory to prepare a number of masterplan options for the site.

The masterplan options will seek to:

  • Optimise regional active recreation opportunities on the site.
  • Maximise and modernise the recreational offering of the site.
  • Enhance and provide passive recreation amenity to the local community.
  • Make public open space and Town assets work for the community.
  • Align with and deliver on objectives of the Public Open Space Strategy.

The masterplan options aim to identify spatial configurations for football, hockey and shared uses. The Town will not support the implementation of a masterplan option that removes any existing users from the site, unless a suitable alternative location that caters to their needs is determined.

What is happening now?

This project was considered at special Council meetings in December 2020. The minutes of this meeting can be seen in the document library and on the Town's website https://www.victoriapark.wa.gov.au/Minutes-and-agendas

The final resolution reads that Council:

1. Acknowledges the submissions received during the public comment period.

2. Endorses the Higgins Park and Playfield Reserve Masterplan based on the sporting configuration in option 3 to proceed to the Design Development stage, including but not limited to the following:

a) community engagement plan to further inform the design development;

b) a strategic advocacy and communications strategy;

c) a feasibility assessment of the 2 existing sports club buildings to determine the need for, and suitability for renovation and extension, compared to rebuild;

d) a feasibility assessment to determine the need for, and extent of any refurbishment work to the RSL building;

e) report on the works required for each of the western, central and eastern zones with detailed cost estimates for each zone;

f) Landscape design, play compliance, access and inclusion advice, feature survey, civil works, irrigation and drainage, grading and demolition, materials, plants and palettes, lighting design;

g) detailed cost estimates for the work listed in 2(f);

h) detailed cost estimates for the works identified in the Notes on page 25 of the Master Plan;

i) Architectural design, as needed;

j) detailed staging plan informed by funding sources with incremental upgrades towards the Masterplan design;

k) interim relocation plan for construction phase, complete with costings;

l) a management model for a multi-sport facility developed with all relevant clubs.

3. Endorses the Higgins Park and Playfield Reserve Masterplan to include the following in the Design Development stage:

a) Further investigation into the closure or shared use of Playfield Street between Ramsden Avenue and Etwell Street,

b) Further investigation into the closure or shared use of Fred Bell Parade from Hill View Terrace,

c) An extension of the youth zone, fitness equipment and ramped access on the embankment, as shown in option 3, and

d) A community play space, as shown in option 3, maximising the space available with the endorsed sporting configuration.

4. Approves the Chief Executive Officer to list the Design Development stage of the project for consideration in the 2021/22 draft Annual Budget.

5. Approves the Higgins Park and Playfield Reserve Masterplan to be included as an advocacy project.

6. Requests the Chief Executive Officer to continue working with the Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club to identify further partnership or location opportunities available, including through the implementation of the Public Open Space Strategy, and to:

1. organise a meeting by the end of February 2021 between the Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club, representatives of Council, the Town and Hockey WA to discuss the future sporting requirements of the Hockey Club;

2. establish a working group by March 2021 comprising members of the Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club, councillors, Hockey WA and community representatives to advise Council on the future sporting requirements of the Hockey Club;

3. report to Council at its ordinary meeting in March 2021 as to the outcome of the meeting and the establishment of a working group.

7. Requests the Chief Executive Officer write to the stakeholder groups involved, thank them for their ongoing involvement and advise them of the next steps to come.

How can I find out more information?

  • View the draft masterplan, appendices and the Council Meeting Report and Minutes in the document library.
  • Read the FAQs in the document library.
  • Listen to the recording of the Council Meetings.

Consultation has concluded

  • At the Ordinary Council meeting on 15 September, the Mayor indicated that she wants to hear from members of the community who have no allegiances, neither to hockey nor to football, nor even the use of Higgins Park, as they too are entitled to have a say about how their ratepayer money will be spent.  How are members of the community expected to have an informed say about how their ratepayer money will be spent when there is very little available information about the funding arrangements for major private use infrastructure elements of the Masterplan options such as the hockey facility? As a member of the community, my support for any option is highly dependent on whether I will be paying for a facility that I cannot freely access. 

    Nathan asked about 4 years ago

    Hi Nathan, thank you for your questions and statements. It is anticipated that the cost of implementing the masterplan will be a combination of Town funding, Long-Term Financial Plan funding, potential stakeholder contributions, and external funding sources. The split of these funding sources will inform a staged delivery approach. The funding arrangements will be determined following the selection of the preferred option and informed through a staged approach informed.

  • Given the overwhelming response and sentiment towards leaving Higgins Park alone. How will the Council honestly move forward with such a plan? Will the council accept that there is a legal path , rates payers and residents can take in objecting this MasterPlan?

    Len asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your comments and questions, Len. All available information, including all public comment submissions and petitions, will be shared with the Elected Members in a Council Report. Councillors will then select a preferred option. Whichever option is chosen, further planning and engagement processes will be undertaken.

  • The concept diagrams for options 1 and 2 show retention of two large trees (at least one of these trees is a tuart) that are shown as being directly adjacent to the synthetic hockey pitch fence and wall (option 2 actually shows one of these trees being partly located within the corner of the fenced hockey pitch). Has an arborist assessed and reported that these two large trees would survive the excavation works required to install the hockey pitch and retaining wall? Also: the concept diagrams for options 1 and 2 show some additional trees being planted directly against the fenced hockey pitch? Would these additional tree plantings be in accordance with Hockey WA’s specifications (ie the tree roots and branches etc won’t risk the pitch surface)?

    Emma72 asked about 4 years ago

    This level of detail will be determined in the next stage of the preferred option, being design development. This is stated in the Council Report available in the document list.

  • Will responses to the Your Thoughts survey be either weighted or reported to Council by respondent location? I'm concerned that sporting groups who have something considerable to gain from this proposal will be able to use that to mobilise many hundreds of people to complete the survey in their favour even though they do not live within the Town and will not have to live with the day to day impacts of such a facility. Surely the views and feedback of those who will be losing the parkland they can currently freely access and who will be impacted in their homes by the noise, traffic, lights and environmental impacts of a hockey facility should have more of a say than those who a long way from Higgins Park and will only benefit from a new hockey facility and stand to lose nothing at all.

    Nathan asked about 4 years ago

    Hi Nathan, thank you for your feedback and question. The Your Thought submission form questions have been designed to assist the project team to report the feedback of the community to Elected Members as accurately as possible. Location of respondents is a question in this submission form and will be referred to in the engagement report provided to Elected Members. 

  • Thank you for responding to my last question. So if options 1 or 2 are selected, can you tell me where the two locations are that the Town has identified could spatially accommodate the Raiders Junior Football Club? Also, can you please provide an estimate on the financial cost of the 'further planning and engagement process with the community' for those two locations that currently host other sporting clubs, if options 1 or 2 were selected? In addition to the financial cost, there would be time and emotional costs to members of those sporting clubs and the people that live near those locations.

    Emma72 asked about 4 years ago

    Thanks for your question. It is too early in the process to determine the financial cost of any further planning and engagement process, as this is dependent on the preferred option selected by Elected Members. 

  • Hi, Please shed some further light on this response ? I thought if Option 1 is chosen both the Football Club and Hockey would share the Oval? But reading your answer it seems that if Option 1 or 2 are chosen then football needs to move? Thanks for your feedback and question, Emma72. If either option 1 or option 2 is selected as the preferred option, an alternative location will be confirmed for the football club. There have been two locations identified within the Town that could spatially accommodate the football club however as these are currently already being used by other sporting clubs, significant upgrades would need to occur before relocation. This would require further planning and engagement process with the community.

    Stephen McFarlane asked over 4 years ago

    Apologies – this was an error in the response. Option 1 may require additional overflow space for the Vic Park Raiders Junior Football Club, however the relocation of the club is relevant only to option 2.

  • Hi, Has anyone given any consideration if Option 1 is selected, how both the Vic Park Raiders and the Hockey Club will co-exist on game day i.e revenue generated from the Canteen, use of changerooms, use of clubhouse etc?

    Stephen McFarlane asked over 4 years ago

    Hi Stephen, thank you for your questions. If option 1 is selected, the intention is for the Vic Park Raiders Junior Football Club and the Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club to both operate out of the multi-sport building. Spatial allocations for this building have been detailed in Appendix C – Collocated Facility Document. 

  • I have read the questions and responses on the FAQ page that says "Should option 2 be selected as the preferred option, the next step for the Town would be to determine a suitable, alternative location for the football club that provided their needs. This would include significant planning and engagement process." However, no information has been provided by ToVP should Option 1 be selected. Has the ToVP identified where the children from Raiders football club can go to train after school/in the evenings during the week and to play games on Saturdays? Option 1 provides a fenced synthetic hockey pitch and only provides one footy oval (there are currently two footy ovals), so there would be insufficient space at Higgins to provide for the existing requirements for multiple teams requiring space for footy training after school/in the evenings and Saturday games (both existing footy ovals at Higgins are used almost all day Saturdays for games).

    Emma72 asked over 4 years ago

    Edited 21.10.2020 - Thanks for your feedback and question, Emma72. If option 2 is selected as the preferred option, an alternative location will be confirmed for the football club. There have been two locations identified within the Town that could spatially accommodate the football club however as these are currently already being used by other sporting clubs, significant upgrades would need to occur before relocation. This would require further planning and engagement process with the community.

  • The Hockey WA Strategic Plan 2015-2020 (https://cdn.revolutionise.com.au/cups/wahockey/files/ctbq8edon7emrdcm.pdf) identifies a third artificial surface at Curtin University as a key project as well as support for the delivery of at least 5 additional artificial surfaces in the metropolitan region (most of which have already been built and Higgins Park was NOT one) . A proposal by the WASPs hockey club for a synthetic turf at Collier Reserve in South Perth is well progressed and has identified Victoria Park hockey club as a 'partnership opportunity' which would also increase the likelihood of external funding. Why are we also considering a fenced synthetic hockey turf at Higgins Park when other nearby opportunities exist and are likely to increase in the near future.

    PK asked over 4 years ago

    The three options of the masterplan were determined through the Council resolution from the November 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting and is being carried out by Administration on behalf of the Council.

  • Will the parking options be timed parking as Curtin University students currently park all day on the street adjoining Hill View Terrace to Playfield street, as well as the Curtin end of Playfield Street? This creates quite a congestion of traffic and will conflict with the intent of new parking facilities being available for recreation users.

    Tammy asked over 4 years ago

    Thank you for your statements and question, Tammy. Each option in the draft plan mentions traffic calming and improved pedestrian crossings  or a full closure between Etwell and Ramsden - depending on which option is adopted would then determine how we would approach traffic and parking management. A traffic impact report will be undertaken and mitigation methods put in place after a choice has been made. Thank you again for your feedback.