Edward Millen site
Consultation has concluded

The Edward Millen site has long been a part of the Victoria Park identity. Built in 1911, the original Edward Millen House and its surrounds has a rich and colourful history providing health services for the Perth community (midwifery, repatriation of soldiers, psychiatric care, a centre for autistic children) and is now a State Heritage listed building.
In 2006, the Town of Victoria Park was gifted the Edward Millen Site from the State Government. The Town has since undertaken maintenance works and hosted a small number of community events on the site. The Town is now looking to find the right use for site while also meeting the many heritage requirements for its much needed restoration.
What's happening now?
Community consultation is closed for this phase of the project. The Community Engagement Report can be viewed in the document library and contains a summary of all feedback received from the Open House event and collation of Your Thoughts comments.
To assist in the submission to the Department of Lands to change the current limitations on the use of the site, the Town will be using this feedback.
How can you find out more?
- Read the information in the document library or FAQ.