Economic Development Strategy: Pathways to Growth 2018 - 2023

Consultation has concluded

The Town of Victoria Park's Economic Development Strategy: Pathways to Growth 2018 - 2023 provides a 5 year vision and blueprint for sustainable economic growth in the Town. The Strategy has been developed in conjunction with the Town's Economic Development Committee and informed through valuable contributions from local businesses.

It brings together bold thinking supported by evidence-based plans with a series of quick wins, short-term actions and medium to long-term strategies that provide a blueprint to guide our partners and stakeholders.

What is happening now?

Council has endorsed the final Strategy and it can now be found on the Town's website.

The Town of Victoria Park's Economic Development Strategy: Pathways to Growth 2018 - 2023 provides a 5 year vision and blueprint for sustainable economic growth in the Town. The Strategy has been developed in conjunction with the Town's Economic Development Committee and informed through valuable contributions from local businesses.

It brings together bold thinking supported by evidence-based plans with a series of quick wins, short-term actions and medium to long-term strategies that provide a blueprint to guide our partners and stakeholders.

What is happening now?

Council has endorsed the final Strategy and it can now be found on the Town's website.

Consultation has concluded
  • how can I get a copy of the Pathways To Growth draft so I can review? Could you please email me a copy?

    eogerghoruheg asked over 6 years ago


    Thanks for your query. On the right hand side of the YourThoughts page for the Economic Development Strategy: Pathways to Growth 2018- 2023 (and just under the details for the Ben Wyatt event), there is a link to a pdf copy of the draft.

    Alternatively, if you send an email to we will be able to email you through a copy.