What's happening
UPDATE: At the 19 July Ordinary Council Meeting, Elected Members were given an update on advocacy efforts to have the Minister for Planning zone Miller's Crossing as 'Parks and Recreation' (minutes are available in the Document Library to the right). The Town’s intent is to report to Council at the August 2022 OCM following the finalisation of these advocacy efforts. This report will include a resolution in relation to Amendment 56.
At the April 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting, Elected Members considered whether to endorse proceeding with Scheme Amendment No. 56 to amend the Town of Victoria Park Town Planning Scheme No. 1 (TPS1), as modified by the Minister for Planning’s decision dated 2 August 2021 (see background section further down), subject to the following additional modification:
6. Inserting the following subtitle and paragraph to the ‘DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS’ listed for the ‘RESIDENTIAL ZONE’ of Town Planning Scheme No. 1 Precinct Plan P8 Carlisle Precinct: “Residential R60 zoned area A Local Development Plan is required to be adopted by the local government prior to the subdivision or development of the Residential R60 zoned land comprising Lots 1003 (No. 7) and 1004 (No. 6) Raleigh Street, and Lot 1005 (No. 45) Bishopsgate Street, Carlisle, that were formerly partly located within the Robert’s Road ‘Other Regional Road’ reservation under the Perth Metropolitan Region Scheme. The Local Development Plan shall address issues of vehicular access, environmental sustainability, landscaping, building setbacks and the retention and conservation of mature trees on and surrounding the land as part of any future development.”
Instead, Council unanimously endorsed the following:
That Council:
1. continues to support the original intention of Amendment No 56 for Lots 1003 and 1004 Raleigh Street, Carlisle and Lot 1005 Bishopsgate Street, Carlisle (known as Millers Crossing) to be reserved as “Parks and Recreation”;
2. requests the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer to advocate to the Minister for Planning and the Member for Victoria Park for Millers Crossing to be reserved as “Parks and Recreation”;
3. requests the Chief Executive Officer to report to Council by July 2022 as to the progress of that advocacy.
4. should the Minister for Planning determine to proceed with the Residential R60 zone currently proposed, to also support the above modification.
If you would like to support the Council in this resolution, you can send a letter to Ms Hannah Beazley MLA, Member for Victoria Park. There is an addressed letter template available in the Document Library for those who would prefer to use it. For those interested in raising a petition, you can find a Legislative Council Guide to Petitions here.
As a result of the decision by the Minister for Planning in August 2021, the Town was required to re-advertise further modifications to proposed Amendment No. 56 to the Town of Victoria Park Town Planning Scheme No. 1.
The requested modifications are aimed to result in the amendment being modified to the following:
- Classifying No. 2-8 (Lot 1002) Beatty Avenue, East Victoria Park as Town of Victoria Park Scheme Reserve “Parks and Recreation”.
- Modify the Town Planning Scheme No. 1 Precinct Plan P10 Shepperton Precinct accordingly.
- Nos. 6 & 7 (Lots 1003 & 1004) Raleigh Street and No. 45 (Lot 1005) Bishopsgate Street, Carlisle being transferred to the ‘Residential’ zone with a density coding of R60.
- Classifying the portions of the Rutland Avenue, Raleigh Street and Bishopsgate Street road reserves that were formerly part of the Roberts Road Metropolitan Region Scheme “Other Regional Roads” reservation as “Residential R30” zone.
- Modify the Town Planning Scheme No. 1 Precinct Plan P8 Carlisle Precinct accordingly.

How does this compare to the last version of Amendment 56?
The major change proposed by the Minister's required modifications is the increase in density of the lots comprising the land known as 'Miller's Crossing' from R30 to R60, being Nos. 6 & 7 (Lots 1003 & 1004) Raleigh Street and No. 45 (Lot 1005) Bishopsgate Street, Carlisle.
The Scheme Amendment Report and map of Amendment 56 (as further modified in accordance with the Minister for Planning's decision) can be found in the Document Library.
What reasons have been provided for the changes?
The Western Australian Planning Commission has provided the Town with the following reasons for the proposed R60 density coding:
- consistency with the urban consolidation principles of the WAPC Central Sub-regional Planning Framework which is broadly supportive of medium density development outcomes at appropriate locations, as part of meeting the dwelling targets of inner and middle-ring metropolitan local governments;
- the opportunity to develop the subject land as a demonstration of a high-quality medium-density development, in the context of the Medium Density Codes being progressed by the WAPC as part of its review of State Planning Policy 7.3 Residential Design Codes – Volume 1;
- the subject land’s proximity to general amenities, including high-frequency public transport infrastructure and public open space;
- densities currently permitted under TPS1 in the surrounding area allow for a range of medium density development. In this regard, it is considered that R60 is broadly consistent with densities permitted in the area; and development of the subject sites at R60 would supplement broader dwelling diversity in the locality;
- the opportunity to make the subject land a demonstration project for medium-density development has arisen in part due to it being under State Government ownership. In this regard, the WAPC’s process for the sale of the land can be used to ensure a high-quality development outcome for the area is achieved; and
- it is envisaged that the subject land may be suitable for terraced housing.
Comments on the modified amendment were invited from 25 November 2021 until 21 January 2022 in a number of ways:
- Online
- By mail to Locked Bag 437, Victoria Park WA 6979
- By email to admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au
- In person at the Town's Administration Centre, 99 Shepperton Road Victoria Park
This public comment was sought so it could be considered by the Council before passing a resolution at the April 12 OCM on whether or not to support the amendment (with or without modification) prior to consideration by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and final determination by the Minister for Planning.
Where can I find out more information?
- Reading the information in the Document Library. This includes relevant Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes providing detailed reports of the Council's previous decisions regarding Amendment 56.
- Contacting the Town on 08 9311 8111 or sending us an email to admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au
What's happening
UPDATE: At the 19 July Ordinary Council Meeting, Elected Members were given an update on advocacy efforts to have the Minister for Planning zone Miller's Crossing as 'Parks and Recreation' (minutes are available in the Document Library to the right). The Town’s intent is to report to Council at the August 2022 OCM following the finalisation of these advocacy efforts. This report will include a resolution in relation to Amendment 56.
At the April 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting, Elected Members considered whether to endorse proceeding with Scheme Amendment No. 56 to amend the Town of Victoria Park Town Planning Scheme No. 1 (TPS1), as modified by the Minister for Planning’s decision dated 2 August 2021 (see background section further down), subject to the following additional modification:
6. Inserting the following subtitle and paragraph to the ‘DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS’ listed for the ‘RESIDENTIAL ZONE’ of Town Planning Scheme No. 1 Precinct Plan P8 Carlisle Precinct: “Residential R60 zoned area A Local Development Plan is required to be adopted by the local government prior to the subdivision or development of the Residential R60 zoned land comprising Lots 1003 (No. 7) and 1004 (No. 6) Raleigh Street, and Lot 1005 (No. 45) Bishopsgate Street, Carlisle, that were formerly partly located within the Robert’s Road ‘Other Regional Road’ reservation under the Perth Metropolitan Region Scheme. The Local Development Plan shall address issues of vehicular access, environmental sustainability, landscaping, building setbacks and the retention and conservation of mature trees on and surrounding the land as part of any future development.”
Instead, Council unanimously endorsed the following:
That Council:
1. continues to support the original intention of Amendment No 56 for Lots 1003 and 1004 Raleigh Street, Carlisle and Lot 1005 Bishopsgate Street, Carlisle (known as Millers Crossing) to be reserved as “Parks and Recreation”;
2. requests the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer to advocate to the Minister for Planning and the Member for Victoria Park for Millers Crossing to be reserved as “Parks and Recreation”;
3. requests the Chief Executive Officer to report to Council by July 2022 as to the progress of that advocacy.
4. should the Minister for Planning determine to proceed with the Residential R60 zone currently proposed, to also support the above modification.
If you would like to support the Council in this resolution, you can send a letter to Ms Hannah Beazley MLA, Member for Victoria Park. There is an addressed letter template available in the Document Library for those who would prefer to use it. For those interested in raising a petition, you can find a Legislative Council Guide to Petitions here.
As a result of the decision by the Minister for Planning in August 2021, the Town was required to re-advertise further modifications to proposed Amendment No. 56 to the Town of Victoria Park Town Planning Scheme No. 1.
The requested modifications are aimed to result in the amendment being modified to the following:
- Classifying No. 2-8 (Lot 1002) Beatty Avenue, East Victoria Park as Town of Victoria Park Scheme Reserve “Parks and Recreation”.
- Modify the Town Planning Scheme No. 1 Precinct Plan P10 Shepperton Precinct accordingly.
- Nos. 6 & 7 (Lots 1003 & 1004) Raleigh Street and No. 45 (Lot 1005) Bishopsgate Street, Carlisle being transferred to the ‘Residential’ zone with a density coding of R60.
- Classifying the portions of the Rutland Avenue, Raleigh Street and Bishopsgate Street road reserves that were formerly part of the Roberts Road Metropolitan Region Scheme “Other Regional Roads” reservation as “Residential R30” zone.
- Modify the Town Planning Scheme No. 1 Precinct Plan P8 Carlisle Precinct accordingly.

How does this compare to the last version of Amendment 56?
The major change proposed by the Minister's required modifications is the increase in density of the lots comprising the land known as 'Miller's Crossing' from R30 to R60, being Nos. 6 & 7 (Lots 1003 & 1004) Raleigh Street and No. 45 (Lot 1005) Bishopsgate Street, Carlisle.
The Scheme Amendment Report and map of Amendment 56 (as further modified in accordance with the Minister for Planning's decision) can be found in the Document Library.
What reasons have been provided for the changes?
The Western Australian Planning Commission has provided the Town with the following reasons for the proposed R60 density coding:
- consistency with the urban consolidation principles of the WAPC Central Sub-regional Planning Framework which is broadly supportive of medium density development outcomes at appropriate locations, as part of meeting the dwelling targets of inner and middle-ring metropolitan local governments;
- the opportunity to develop the subject land as a demonstration of a high-quality medium-density development, in the context of the Medium Density Codes being progressed by the WAPC as part of its review of State Planning Policy 7.3 Residential Design Codes – Volume 1;
- the subject land’s proximity to general amenities, including high-frequency public transport infrastructure and public open space;
- densities currently permitted under TPS1 in the surrounding area allow for a range of medium density development. In this regard, it is considered that R60 is broadly consistent with densities permitted in the area; and development of the subject sites at R60 would supplement broader dwelling diversity in the locality;
- the opportunity to make the subject land a demonstration project for medium-density development has arisen in part due to it being under State Government ownership. In this regard, the WAPC’s process for the sale of the land can be used to ensure a high-quality development outcome for the area is achieved; and
- it is envisaged that the subject land may be suitable for terraced housing.
Comments on the modified amendment were invited from 25 November 2021 until 21 January 2022 in a number of ways:
- Online
- By mail to Locked Bag 437, Victoria Park WA 6979
- By email to admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au
- In person at the Town's Administration Centre, 99 Shepperton Road Victoria Park
This public comment was sought so it could be considered by the Council before passing a resolution at the April 12 OCM on whether or not to support the amendment (with or without modification) prior to consideration by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and final determination by the Minister for Planning.
Where can I find out more information?
- Reading the information in the Document Library. This includes relevant Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes providing detailed reports of the Council's previous decisions regarding Amendment 56.
- Contacting the Town on 08 9311 8111 or sending us an email to admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au