Lathlain Park Management Plan
Consultation has concluded

The Lathlain Precinct Redevelopment Project (LPRP) consists of eight separate project zones that will undergo redevelopment and/or revitalisation, transforming Lathlain into a vibrant place for community, sport and recreation.
Several of the project zones are already complete, or underway.
The redevelopment of Lathlain Park is made up of three of the zones.
Zone 1 - Perth Football Club
Zone 2 - Community Activity Zone
Zone 3 - West Coast Eagles Zone
There are also other areas that affect the planning of Lathlain Park.
Zone 7 - Equitable Access Zone
Former Bowls Club Site
The Town has been engaging with the community on the LPRP since 2013 and sought input from residents to help develop the Lathlain Park Management Plan. The Plan will set the overall principles for the use and future development of Lathlain Park.
Your feedback has now been considered and the Plan finalised with valued input from stakeholders and the community.
Council will now consider the draft Management Plan for endorsement to advertise in October. If Council elects to proceed to advertising you will have a further opportunity to comment on the Plan for a period of 28 days.
Keep an eye out on the Lathlain Precinct website or contact our team for further information about progress on the Management Plan and the redevelopment in general.