Preparing yourself is the key to a successful workshop
Like organising a dinner party or a birthday celebration, being prepared for the event is the key to success. It doesn't take much preparation, but these small steps will get you and your participants ready to go to host your own workshop.
Your role
Your primary role is to foster and participate in a constructive discussion without dominating it or allowing it to get out control.
Holding a workshop doesn’t require many materials.
- A device (we suggest a tablet or laptop) for you as the host to complete the online survey reporting template.
- Blank paper for people who want to take notes.
You might like to provide drinks or snacks if your meeting is in person.
Choose a time and format – online or in person and develop your invitation list.
In person: Ideally use a space that can fit 4-6 people and where you can comfortably hold a discussion with minimum interruptions. Make sure you have sanitiser available, participants are able to maintain 1.5m physical distancing and ask people to stay home if they are feeling unwell or provide an opportunity to join over the phone or another platform. To meet WA Government Department of Health requirements (current), please record all names, dates and mobile of participants.
Online: Make sure you have people’s emails, set up an online meeting using Zoom or any other web conferencing system and send out links beforehand. Encourage people to find a quiet space to participate in the online workshop and limit streaming of other services (e.g Netflix, Spotify) to improve internet connection.
When you invite people, direct them to the VicVision Your Thoughts page so that they can read the background information prior to the workshop.
Expect the discussion to take around two hours. This can be broken up into multiple sessions based on your group's preference.
WA Department of Health - COVID-19
The circumstances around COVID-19 have changed rapidly over the past months. We strongly encourage you to stay up to date by visiting the WA Department of Health website. To view Department of Health Australia and World Health Organisation information in other languages, visit the multilingual resource library: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Multilingual Resource Library
Ongoing support
We understand that this is new territory for many people. We want to help you in this process. Please contact or 9311 8111 for any support you may require.
Consultation has concluded