Urban Forest Strategy

Consultation has concluded

The Vic Park Collective and the Vic Park Trees were engaged by the Town of Victoria Park to write an Urban Forest Strategy. The result of a community-initiated and community driven process, the strategy is needed to expand and better manage trees within our Town - on both public and private land - and to achieve our tree canopy target of 20% as adopted by our Town's Council.

The Urban Forest Strategy Working Group (which comprises of the Vic Park Collective, Vic Park Trees and with assistance from Town officers) have undertaken a significant consultation process across sectors of the Town of Victoria Park’s community, industry, commercial and Town of Victoria Park administration to assist with the development of the Urban Forest Strategy.

What is happening now?

A working group consisting of representatives from the community, elected members and staff from the Town of Victoria Park is due to be formed in the coming months to progress this, again under a collaborative partnership approach.

The terms of reference and composition of this group are being worked through, with an expressions of interest advertising period to follow for community members wanting to be involved.

The group will then develop the detailed actions, budgets and responsibilities required to deliver the strategy.

How can I find out more information?

  • Reading the information in the document library or FAQ

The Vic Park Collective and the Vic Park Trees were engaged by the Town of Victoria Park to write an Urban Forest Strategy. The result of a community-initiated and community driven process, the strategy is needed to expand and better manage trees within our Town - on both public and private land - and to achieve our tree canopy target of 20% as adopted by our Town's Council.

The Urban Forest Strategy Working Group (which comprises of the Vic Park Collective, Vic Park Trees and with assistance from Town officers) have undertaken a significant consultation process across sectors of the Town of Victoria Park’s community, industry, commercial and Town of Victoria Park administration to assist with the development of the Urban Forest Strategy.

What is happening now?

A working group consisting of representatives from the community, elected members and staff from the Town of Victoria Park is due to be formed in the coming months to progress this, again under a collaborative partnership approach.

The terms of reference and composition of this group are being worked through, with an expressions of interest advertising period to follow for community members wanting to be involved.

The group will then develop the detailed actions, budgets and responsibilities required to deliver the strategy.

How can I find out more information?

  • Reading the information in the document library or FAQ
Consultation has concluded

Have a question? Ask and we will respond.

  • I would like to know if it is true that council has a policy regarding tree removal when subdividing a block of land. Two different friends I know wanted to subdivide but weren't planning to build and wanted to keep the existing trees on the block of land, council told them every tree needed to be removed before subdivision could take place. If this is correct then changing this policy alone could potentially save many trees.

    Carnaby asked about 7 years ago

    We are not aware of any Town policy regarding tree removal on privately-owned land, whether for subdivision or otherwise.

    Where zoning allows, residential owners make application for a subdivision with the WA Planning Commission. Typically, the WAPC invites comment from Water Corp, Western Power and the relevant local government authority and those bodies recommend conditions that, once adopted by the WAPC, must be satisfied before subdivision is finalised and new titles are issued.

    Some of these conditions may necessitate tree removal. For instance, in the case of a battleaxe block, the sewer lines from an existing street frontage house cannot run under the newly- divided back block. Once re-routed, the abandoned sewer lines must be dug up and disposed of.

    Likewise, neither State government polices nor the WAPC require that trees be preserved or, if removed for access or otherwise, that they be replaced. It is generally builders, estate agents and developers that insist or require that blocks be cleared of land prior to sale. Estate agents might argue that new owners and their builders want clean blocks and will negotiate a drop in price if they are left to perform the work themselves. Builders might argue that the cost of the build for a new owner will increase if they are required to work around existing trees.

    Because a large percentage of new residential homes utilise slab-on-grade construction, the soil below is generally raked clean of organic material, often to a depth of one metre, and is often replaced with sand that is more easily compatible.

    Volunteer, UFS Group

    For clarification or further information, please phone the Town of Victoria Park at (08) 9311 8111 and ask to speak to the Duty Planner.

  • Will there be a ratepayers session outside of business hours?

    Luggs_007 asked over 7 years ago

    All four adult sessions are available to ratepayers and are occurring outside of business hours. Please see registration details for information.

  • Trees are to be protected and promoted, especially to encourage bird life etc. However, when a neighbour's tree growth is damaging a fence from the neighbour's side, how does one protect one's fence/asset. Already one fence has fallen due to a tree of a neighbour - which my insurance company declined compensation - how does one avoid such a situation?

    kjcrombie asked over 7 years ago

    How this is determined will be dependent on the community engagement sessions, in particular the residential workshops occurring on the 29th of October and the 5th of November.