With endorsement by the Council on the 10th of October 2017, the Town commenced a formal marketing camping to invite offers for the sale of 12 Lathlain Place, Lathlain.
The proposed land sale is part of the Land Asset Optimisation Strategy (LAOS). LAOS is a priority project for the Town of Victoria Park that will aim to deliver revenue diversification and generation. It will also enable redevelopment proposals and act as a catalyst for regeneration or redevelopment of the Town's land assets.
Strategically LAOS will help reduce the Town's reliance on rates and aim to achieve greater financially resilience.
Reading the information in the document library or FAQ
With endorsement by the Council on the 10th of October 2017, the Town commenced a formal marketing camping to invite offers for the sale of 12 Lathlain Place, Lathlain.
The proposed land sale is part of the Land Asset Optimisation Strategy (LAOS). LAOS is a priority project for the Town of Victoria Park that will aim to deliver revenue diversification and generation. It will also enable redevelopment proposals and act as a catalyst for regeneration or redevelopment of the Town's land assets.
Strategically LAOS will help reduce the Town's reliance on rates and aim to achieve greater financially resilience.
Please provide your comments on the proposed sale of land, 12 Lathlain Place, Lathlain.
Consultation has concluded
Public Notice of Proposed Sale of Land pursuant
to s3.58(3) of the Local Government Act 1995
Property: 12 Lathlain
Place, Lathlain, Lot 59 on Plan 6215 being the whole of the land comprised in
Certificate of Title Volume 1763 Folio 469.
Buyer: Palmgate
Nominees Pty Ltd ACN 114682432
Consideration: $1,100,000 excluding GST
Market value: $960,000
excluding GST as at 27 March 2018
submissions in respect of the proposed sale may be lodged with the Town until 5pm, Wednesday 17 May 2018. Submissions
should be marked “Proposed Sale of Lot 59, 12 Lathlain Place, Lathlain” and
addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Town of Victoria Park, Locked Bag No.
437, Victoria Park 6979 or made online at www.yourthoughts.victoriapark.wa.gov.au