Old Spaces, New Places - ROW52 Laneway Upgrade
Consultation has concluded
Old Spaces, New Places (OSNP) is a program targeting locations within the Town that can be renewed and upgraded for greater community use and benefit. This was the first project to be progressed as part of the OSNP program and is located along the east end of Albany Highway.
Project #1 ROW52 presented an opportunity to create a multi-use, pedestrian-orientated urban place right in the heart of East Vic Park.
ROW52 is the laneway located between Ten Ten Kitchen, East Victoria Park IGA and TAO Restaurant and is one of the Town’s most identifiable public spaces.
In 2019 the laneway was transformed from a deteriorated vehicle-centric laneway into a simple, modern space to cater for events and everyday use, with a focus on safety, flexibility and social interaction.
What is happening now?
Previously we asked you to vote on suggested names, and the response we received indicated they weren’t quite what the community was looking for. So we're starting again!
- Stage 1 - We're asking for you to put your thinking hats on and suggest some creative names.
- Stage 2 - We'll compile all the suggestions and go back out to the community for online voting. 148 votes were cast for the collection of creative names.
- Currently: Stage 3 - We'll take the top indigenous aboriginal names and check in with our Mindeera Advisory Group (formally names the Aboriginal Engagement Advisory Group) and seek their recommendation. The names will then be presented for approval to the Whadjuk working group.
- Stage 4 - The names will be sent to Landgate for approval and approved will go to Council for their final decision.
How can I suggest a name and vote?
Share your naming idea below by 6 December. Voting for your favourite names will be open from 7 December.
Noting all entries that are incomplete, illegible, contain a phone and/or email address, contain inappropriate or offensive content will be removed at the Towns discretion.
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