Why do we need a plan for the Oats Street station area?

    According to the State Government’s key planning strategy for the Perth metropolitan region*, areas around train stations should support a reasonable intensity of development to maximise community use of high frequency public transport services such as those provided at the Oats St train station and bus interchange.

    As such, the Town identified the area as a “Precinct Planning Area” in the Local Planning Strategy (2022) and has commenced preparation of a Precinct Structure Plan.

    Precincts require a higher level of planning and design focus due to their complexity.  Factors contributing to the complexity of the Oats Street are:

    • the opportunities and impacts arising from the METRONET project.
    • the merits of encouraging medium-higher density housing and mixing with business activity.
    • the constraints posed by the multiplicity of landowners and smaller lots in residential areas limiting redevelopment potential in those areas.
    • the potential contamination of land from industrial activity.
    • managing stormwater drainage within sites to maximise infiltration to aquifers and minimise load on the local drainage network.
    • managing vehicle traffic and design streets for pedestrians and cyclists.

    * Central Sub-Regional Planning Framework (WA Planning Commission).

    What is a Precinct Structure Plan?

    A Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) guides the redevelopment of a specific area of the Town and identifies upgrades to infrastructure and public spaces to support growth and change.

    Specifically, a PSP makes recommendations about zoning changes, subdivision of land, the scale of buildings and range of desirable land uses.  Some recommendations might be included in the Local Planning Scheme to provide a more robust statutory framework to guide development.

    What area is included in the Precinct Structure Plan?

    The boundaries of the study area are located here. The project will look at these areas and just outside this boundary, and will adjust the boundaries of the final Precinct Structure Plan to only make recommendations for areas where there will be some change in the planning framework. 

    How are you consulting with landowners and the community?

    There will be a number of opportunities over the life of the project to have your say.   We are currently working on the program for engagement activities and will promote them when finally crafted. 

    In the early phases of the project, we will be targeting landowners and businesses to understand their ambitions and needs. We are also seeking any ideas from the broader comment through the Your Thoughts survey and pin-drop map.  

    As alternative scenarios emerge, we'll be asking you about the pros/cons of scenarios so we can refine these into a coherent vision and draft plan that will then be formally advertised for community comment.