Lathlain Traffic Management Plan
Consultation has concluded

A key strategic goal of the Town’s Integrated Movement Network Strategy (IMNS) is to implement the Lathlain Traffic Management Plan (LTMP). This has been developed to provide a structured process of improving road safety and resolving traffic issues throughout the suburb.
Traffic calming slows traffic in residential areas by building road humps or other obstructions. It is just one aspect of the Town's overall plan to reduce the effect of traffic on local streets.
The goal is to:
- lower traffic speeds
- reduce accidents
- lower the volume of traffic
- redistribute traffic throughout an area.
This can happen with a traffic calming plan. Developing a calming plan involves:
- wide community consultation
- traffic data collection
- selection of traffic calming structures
- effects across the whole local traffic area will be given consideration.
The initial actions of the LTMP commenced in 2015, with road improvements completed on sections of Gallipoli Street, Goddard Street and most recently Enfield Street. Council made a resolution at its meeting held in December 2016 to consolidate the remaining projects into a two-year period instead of the planned ten-year period.
In 2017 the Town of Victoria undertook community engagement , including two interactive community workshops and an online and hardcopy survey. As the proposals have been based on recommendations from workshops, the Town does not consider it is appropriate to implement further changes to the proposed options and locations of treatments unless a fundamental issue has been overlooked.
What is happening now?
At the 9 October 2018 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to suspend the construction of the works proposed for the remaining streets included in the Lathlain Traffic Management Plan.
How can you be involved or find out more?
- Reading the information in the document library or FAQ.
- Reading the news updates