The future of leisure in the Town

Consultation has concluded

The Town has undertaken a review of our leisure centres - Aqualife and Leisurelife.

The provision of recreational services for the community's health and wellbeing is an important part of the Town’s purpose and vision. These services are heavily subsidised by ratepayers and so a review has been undertaken to ensure the centres operate in the most efficient way possible.

An independent consultant was employed by the Town to report on the commercial viability of Aqualife and Leisurelife. After conducting an assessment, which included consulting the community both online and through workshops, a report was produced with a range of

The Town has undertaken a review of our leisure centres - Aqualife and Leisurelife.

The provision of recreational services for the community's health and wellbeing is an important part of the Town’s purpose and vision. These services are heavily subsidised by ratepayers and so a review has been undertaken to ensure the centres operate in the most efficient way possible.

An independent consultant was employed by the Town to report on the commercial viability of Aqualife and Leisurelife. After conducting an assessment, which included consulting the community both online and through workshops, a report was produced with a range of recommendations designed to improve the financial sustainability of both centres.

This report was completed in December 2016, and the Town is now implementing some of the recommendations.

What's happening now?

There will be ongoing and future changes happening for the next few years so keep checking back to the Town's website for the most recent information.

To view the list of recommendations click here

The full report includes a comprehensive look at all aspects of recreational services including staffing levels and structure so is not able to be a public document.

How can you be involved or find out more?

Consultation has concluded

If you have any questions or would like more information on what we're trying to do with these surveys please let us know below and we'd be happy to help.

  • Whilst the review focusses on recommendations on maximising the income from building assets at AQL and LL, why has there been no thought been given to the decline in visitors eg LL 318K for 2013 and then 274K in 2015. AQL 516K in 2013 down to 415K in 2015. Can we please be provided with the visit statistics for the 2015/2016 as the decline does not seem to be abating. What recommendations has the consultant made to increase the visitors even though the town's population is increasing?

    Frehnejc asked almost 8 years ago

    Thank you for your question regarding the review recommendations in relation to the attendance figures for the Leisure facilities.  The attendance figures for both Leisure facilities are closely monitored and a slight increase in attendance was noted for 2015/16 which is comparable with industry trends over the same period.  Aqualife attendance figures for 2015/16 was 418K and Leisurelife attendance figure was 286K.

    Whilst the recommendations focus around the efficiency and commercial viability of the facilities, we believe that some will have direct impact on facility usage.

    Please let us know if you have any further questions

    Thanks again

  • You are requesting that we respond to a survey that is based upon a consultant report that outlines a range of strategies, but have not made the report available for view. Please post a link in order that users can read the report and its range of strategies.

    Scruffer asked almost 8 years ago

    Thank you for your feedback. The report is currently in the process of being finalised, and when completed, the list of relevant recommendations will be made publicly available. Further information will be provided here in the near future. We thank you for your ongoing interest in this project, and look forward to further involvement with the community. 

  • Hello can you please advise if the report at the link below is current to this survey? If so has it been submitted to and endorsed by Council. Can you confirm if it is publicly available? And if not can you explain why?

    soozeee asked almost 8 years ago

    Thank you for your question. David Lanfears was a part of Davis Langdon who completed the Sport and Recreation plan for the Town of Victoria Park in 2013 which the link provides an outline to. Whilst some of this information was fed into the current review, the plan didn’t solely focus on the leisure centres, rather on Sport and Recreation throughout the entire town. The plan was received by Council and considered an internal document.

    The Commercial Viability project that SGL were appointed to conduct, is currently in the process of being finalised. Once finalised relevant information will then be made available to the public.

    The current survey forms part of the Commercial Viability project.

    Thank you

  • Big user and fan of our leisure centres and the great staff that support us. While I appreciate the increase in activity choices and the pressures on available space, I have safety concerns - and have had a few close calls - with allowing kickboxing on the bag at Aqualife to directly adjoin circuit machines and walking areas. The kickboxer isn't focused on passing traffic and passing traffic can't predict what the kickboxer will do. That type of activity belongs either at the Leisurelife gym or cordoned from other users and activities in the area. Thanks

    Scruffer asked about 8 years ago

    Thank you for your feedback, which I took to our Health and Fitness Manager Catherine.

    Catherine asked me to pas on that there will be signs installed to reinforce the rules surrounding the correct use of the boxing bag, so as to not disturb other members in the facility.

    We trust this makes for a safer and more pleasant environment for all and we thank you for bringing this to our attention.