Draft Heritage List and Draft Local Planning Policy 43 Heritage List
Consultation has concluded
The Town recently completed a review and update of the Local Heritage Survey (LHS) which was approved by Council at its June 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting .
The LHS identifies those places considered to be of cultural heritage significance and categorises properties into one of four categories (Category 1 to Category 4). The LHS is used, among other functions, to inform the preparation of a Heritage List, which each local government is required to prepare under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
The LHS recommends that those properties identified as Category 1 (Place of Exceptional Significance) or Category 2 (Place of Considerable Significance) be included on the Heritage List.
The implications of having a property included on a Heritage List are:
- Statutory protection under the planning framework; and
- The need to obtain development approval for most forms of building and demolition work (with the exception of some minor works as specified in the draft Local Planning Policy)
Having a property on the Heritage List does not prevent building works or improvements being made to the property, but may require a Heritage Assessment to be undertaken.
In association with the draft Heritage List, a draft Local Planning Policy has been prepared which outlines works to a property on the Heritage List which do not require development approval, when a Heritage Assessment is required and the process for adding to or amending the Heritage List.
What is happening now?
Public comments are now sought on the draft Heritage List and Draft Local Planning Policy 43 Heritage List and the Town is asking for you to review the documents and submit any thoughts you have on them.
Have your say
Comments on the draft Heritage List and draft Local Planning Policy 43 Heritage List can be submitted until Thursday 28 April 2022 in a number of ways :
- Online using our submission form below;
- By mail to Locked Bag 437, Victoria Park WA 6979;
- By email to admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au;
For more information contact the Town's Urban Planning team on 9311 8111 or admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au