VICTORIA PARK - No.14 (Lot 701) Leonard Street – Multiple Dwellings (Apartments)

Consultation has concluded

The Town has received a development application for 14 Multiple Dwellings (DAP Application). The application proposes a three storey apartment building with basement car parking.

In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – “Community Consultation on Planning Proposals”, you are invited to comment on the following matters:

Element Objective

Acceptable Outcome


Street setbacks

  • O2.3.1 – The setback of the development from the street reinforces and/or complements the existing or proposed landscape character of the street.
  • O2.3.2 – The street setback provides a clear transition between the public and private realm.
  • O2.3.3 – The street setback assists in achieving visual privacy to apartments from the street.
  • O2.3.4 – The setback of the development enables passive surveillance and outlook to the street.

Minimum street setbacks under Local Planning Policy 25 – Streetscape

Primary Street

Average: 6m

Minimum: 3m

Primary Street

Average: 9.16m

Minimum: 3.12m

Side setbacks/Lot boundary walls

  • O2.4.1 – Building boundary setbacks provide for adequate separation between neighbouring properties.
  • O2.4.2 – Building boundary setbacks are consistent with the existing streetscape pattern or the desired streetscape character.
  • O2.4.3 – The setback of development from side and rear boundaries enables retention of existing trees and provision of deep soil areas that reinforce the landscape character of the area, support tree canopy and assist with stormwater management.
  • O2.4.4 –The setback of development from side and rear boundaries provides a transition between sites with different land uses or intensity of development.

Side setback:


Side setback:

2.125m to south-west boundary (16 Leonard Street)

Maximum lot boundary wall height:

1 storeys


boundary wall of equal or lesser height than an existing abutting wall

Lot boundary wall height:

1 storey

Car and Bicycle Parking

  • O3.9.1 – Parking and facilities are provided for cyclists and other modes of transport.
  • O3.9.2 – Car parking provision is appropriate to the location, with reduced provision possible in areas that are highly walkable and/or have good public transport or cycle networks and/or are close to employment centres.
  • O3.9.3 – Car parking is designed to be safe and accessible.
  • O3.9.4 – The design and location of car parking minimises negative visual and environmental impacts on amenity and the streetscape.

Car parking:

13 Resident bays

4 Visitor bays

Car parking:

16 Resident bays

4 Visitor bays

Bicycle parking:

7 Resident bays

2 Visitor bays

Bicycle parking:

9 Resident bays

3 Visitor bays

Plot Ratio

  • O2.5.1 – The overall bulk and scale of development is appropriate for the existing or planned character of the area.

Maximum plot ratio:


Proposed plot ratio:


Building height

  • O2.2.1 – The height of development responds to the desired future scale and character of the street and local area, including existing buildings that are unlikely to change.
  • O2.2.2 – The height of buildings within a development responds to changes in topography.
  • O2.2.3 – Development incorporates articulated roof design and/or roof top communal open space where appropriate.
  • O2.2.4 – The height of development recognises the need for daylight and solar access to adjoining and nearby residential development, communal open space and in some cases, public spaces.

Maximum permitted building height under ToVP Precinct Plan P 12 - East Victoria Park: 8.6m

Height of proposed development: 15.27m (inclusive of roof)

Privacy and overlooking

  • O3.5.1 – The orientation and design of buildings, windows and balconies minimises direct overlooking of habitable rooms and private outdoor living areas within the site and of neighbouring properties, while maintaining daylight and solar access, ventilation and the external outlook of habitable rooms.

Major openings to habitable rooms other than bedrooms and studies: 4.5m

Unenclosed private outdoor space (balconies) within storeys 1-4: setback 6m

Major opening (kitchen window) to units 10 and 14 within storeys 1-4: setback 3.6m (affecting 16 Leonard Street)

Unenclosed private outdoor space (balconies) to unit 10 and unit 14 within storeys 1-4: setback 4.6m (affecting 13D McMillan)


  • O3.2.1 – Building layouts respond to the streetscape, topography and site attributes while optimising solar and daylight access within the development.
  • O3.2.2 – Building form and orientation minimises overshadowing of the habitable rooms, open space and solar collectors of neighbouring properties during mid-winter.

Overshadowing of adjoining property

(Zoned R60)

50% of adjoining site’s area*.

*Shadows are measured southwards during the winter solstice (21 June) when shadows are at their longest.

Referring to overshadowing diagram provided by applicant –

  • Overshadowing of 16 Leonard Street: 36%

  • Overshadowing of 15 McMillan Street: 4%

  • Overshadowing of 13 McMillan Street: 4%

Where can I view the application?

A copy of the plans and supporting information are available to view in the Plans and Documents section located on the right side of this page.

How can I comment?

Any comments you wish to make on the proposal are to be submitted by close of business Monday 26 October 2020, by one of the following:

  • Online, using the submission form below
  • By email:, quoting reference number 5.2020.440.1
  • By letter: Town of Victoria Park, Locked Bag No. 437, Victoria Park WA 6979, quoting reference number 5.2020.440.1

How can I find out more information?

The assessing officer for the application is Planning Officer, Alexander Thamm. You can contact Alexander on 08 9311 8111 or email

For detailed enquiries, we recommend that you contact the assessing officer to arrange a meeting (during business hours) at the Town's administration centre.

Who will decide this application?

The decision-maker for this development application is the Metro Inner-South Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP).

It is noted that the decision-maker will take into account the comments received, however, are not obliged to support these views.

The Town has received a development application for 14 Multiple Dwellings (DAP Application). The application proposes a three storey apartment building with basement car parking.

In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – “Community Consultation on Planning Proposals”, you are invited to comment on the following matters:

Element Objective

Acceptable Outcome


Street setbacks

  • O2.3.1 – The setback of the development from the street reinforces and/or complements the existing or proposed landscape character of the street.
  • O2.3.2 – The street setback provides a clear transition between the public and private realm.
  • O2.3.3 – The street setback assists in achieving visual privacy to apartments from the street.
  • O2.3.4 – The setback of the development enables passive surveillance and outlook to the street.

Minimum street setbacks under Local Planning Policy 25 – Streetscape

Primary Street

Average: 6m

Minimum: 3m

Primary Street

Average: 9.16m

Minimum: 3.12m

Side setbacks/Lot boundary walls

  • O2.4.1 – Building boundary setbacks provide for adequate separation between neighbouring properties.
  • O2.4.2 – Building boundary setbacks are consistent with the existing streetscape pattern or the desired streetscape character.
  • O2.4.3 – The setback of development from side and rear boundaries enables retention of existing trees and provision of deep soil areas that reinforce the landscape character of the area, support tree canopy and assist with stormwater management.
  • O2.4.4 –The setback of development from side and rear boundaries provides a transition between sites with different land uses or intensity of development.

Side setback:


Side setback:

2.125m to south-west boundary (16 Leonard Street)

Maximum lot boundary wall height:

1 storeys


boundary wall of equal or lesser height than an existing abutting wall

Lot boundary wall height:

1 storey

Car and Bicycle Parking

  • O3.9.1 – Parking and facilities are provided for cyclists and other modes of transport.
  • O3.9.2 – Car parking provision is appropriate to the location, with reduced provision possible in areas that are highly walkable and/or have good public transport or cycle networks and/or are close to employment centres.
  • O3.9.3 – Car parking is designed to be safe and accessible.
  • O3.9.4 – The design and location of car parking minimises negative visual and environmental impacts on amenity and the streetscape.

Car parking:

13 Resident bays

4 Visitor bays

Car parking:

16 Resident bays

4 Visitor bays

Bicycle parking:

7 Resident bays

2 Visitor bays

Bicycle parking:

9 Resident bays

3 Visitor bays

Plot Ratio

  • O2.5.1 – The overall bulk and scale of development is appropriate for the existing or planned character of the area.

Maximum plot ratio:


Proposed plot ratio:


Building height

  • O2.2.1 – The height of development responds to the desired future scale and character of the street and local area, including existing buildings that are unlikely to change.
  • O2.2.2 – The height of buildings within a development responds to changes in topography.
  • O2.2.3 – Development incorporates articulated roof design and/or roof top communal open space where appropriate.
  • O2.2.4 – The height of development recognises the need for daylight and solar access to adjoining and nearby residential development, communal open space and in some cases, public spaces.

Maximum permitted building height under ToVP Precinct Plan P 12 - East Victoria Park: 8.6m

Height of proposed development: 15.27m (inclusive of roof)

Privacy and overlooking

  • O3.5.1 – The orientation and design of buildings, windows and balconies minimises direct overlooking of habitable rooms and private outdoor living areas within the site and of neighbouring properties, while maintaining daylight and solar access, ventilation and the external outlook of habitable rooms.

Major openings to habitable rooms other than bedrooms and studies: 4.5m

Unenclosed private outdoor space (balconies) within storeys 1-4: setback 6m

Major opening (kitchen window) to units 10 and 14 within storeys 1-4: setback 3.6m (affecting 16 Leonard Street)

Unenclosed private outdoor space (balconies) to unit 10 and unit 14 within storeys 1-4: setback 4.6m (affecting 13D McMillan)


  • O3.2.1 – Building layouts respond to the streetscape, topography and site attributes while optimising solar and daylight access within the development.
  • O3.2.2 – Building form and orientation minimises overshadowing of the habitable rooms, open space and solar collectors of neighbouring properties during mid-winter.

Overshadowing of adjoining property

(Zoned R60)

50% of adjoining site’s area*.

*Shadows are measured southwards during the winter solstice (21 June) when shadows are at their longest.

Referring to overshadowing diagram provided by applicant –

  • Overshadowing of 16 Leonard Street: 36%

  • Overshadowing of 15 McMillan Street: 4%

  • Overshadowing of 13 McMillan Street: 4%

Where can I view the application?

A copy of the plans and supporting information are available to view in the Plans and Documents section located on the right side of this page.

How can I comment?

Any comments you wish to make on the proposal are to be submitted by close of business Monday 26 October 2020, by one of the following:

  • Online, using the submission form below
  • By email:, quoting reference number 5.2020.440.1
  • By letter: Town of Victoria Park, Locked Bag No. 437, Victoria Park WA 6979, quoting reference number 5.2020.440.1

How can I find out more information?

The assessing officer for the application is Planning Officer, Alexander Thamm. You can contact Alexander on 08 9311 8111 or email

For detailed enquiries, we recommend that you contact the assessing officer to arrange a meeting (during business hours) at the Town's administration centre.

Who will decide this application?

The decision-maker for this development application is the Metro Inner-South Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP).

It is noted that the decision-maker will take into account the comments received, however, are not obliged to support these views.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Send us your comments by 5.00pm Monday 26 October 2020.

    Please note that only submissions with verifiable names and addresses can be accepted.

    Consultation has concluded