Climate Emergency Plan

This stage of consultation is closed.

Our planet’s climate is already too hot, with dangerous heatwaves, droughts, storms and flooding becoming more intense and destructive. Transformational change is needed across our society and economy to rapidly reduce carbon emissions, change our resource intensive ways of life and adapt to living in an unstable climate.

In response to the climate emergency, we have developed a draft Climate Emergency Plan. This plan will commit us to ambitions actions that we can take to reduce our own emissions, and supports our community to do the same.

The key objectives of the draft Plan are:

• Achieve a zero-carbon target for emissions generated by the Town of Victoria Park by 2030.
• Achieve at least 40% emissions reduction through direct action (i.e. not through carbon offsets).
• Support the community and businesses in working towards their own zero-carbon target.
• Improve the resilience of the Town in responding to immediate climate change impacts.

What is happening now

Following February's Ordinary Council Meeting, Council have approved the release of the draft Plan for public comment.

View the draft and share your comments by 21 March 2021.

How can I share feedback or find out more information?

  • View the draft in the document library
  • Complete an online submission form
  • Complete a hard copy submission at the Library or Administration Building
  • Read the FAQ’S or contact Brendan Nock for more information

If you require assistance completing a submission form, please contact the Town of Victoria Park on 9311 8111 or visit the Administration Building at 99 Shepperton Road, Victoria Park.

Our planet’s climate is already too hot, with dangerous heatwaves, droughts, storms and flooding becoming more intense and destructive. Transformational change is needed across our society and economy to rapidly reduce carbon emissions, change our resource intensive ways of life and adapt to living in an unstable climate.

In response to the climate emergency, we have developed a draft Climate Emergency Plan. This plan will commit us to ambitions actions that we can take to reduce our own emissions, and supports our community to do the same.

The key objectives of the draft Plan are:

• Achieve a zero-carbon target for emissions generated by the Town of Victoria Park by 2030.
• Achieve at least 40% emissions reduction through direct action (i.e. not through carbon offsets).
• Support the community and businesses in working towards their own zero-carbon target.
• Improve the resilience of the Town in responding to immediate climate change impacts.

What is happening now

Following February's Ordinary Council Meeting, Council have approved the release of the draft Plan for public comment.

View the draft and share your comments by 21 March 2021.

How can I share feedback or find out more information?

  • View the draft in the document library
  • Complete an online submission form
  • Complete a hard copy submission at the Library or Administration Building
  • Read the FAQ’S or contact Brendan Nock for more information

If you require assistance completing a submission form, please contact the Town of Victoria Park on 9311 8111 or visit the Administration Building at 99 Shepperton Road, Victoria Park.

This stage of consultation is closed.

  • What are the specific issues regarding emissions from businesses in Victoria Park Council area. How can we suggest improvements/changes if we are not told where the problems are. Give us some details please.

    SteveHVP asked over 4 years ago

    The Town of Victoria Park’s emissions are generally representative of the average emissions expected for a Local Government of that size.  Emissions associated with the Town's own operations are from energy used in all council operated and owned buildings, council transport (fleet), waste and public lighting. However, the largest contributor of emissions across the whole Town is waste. We hope that with restrictions easing, we will be able to hold a face to face workshop to discuss the issues in more detail.

  • Has the town considered levies against businesses that serve high carbon footprint foods (such as meat, dairy products and foods which cause deforestation?)

    owneroperator asked over 4 years ago

    Hi, thanks for your question.

    The Town considering incentives and trials to help businesses reduce their carbon.

  • Has the town considered making parts/all of Albany Hwy pedestrian only, so as to reduce autombile access (and thus carbon emissions) in the area?

    owneroperator asked over 4 years ago

    Hi, and thanks for your query.  

    The Town has considered Reconfiguration of Albany Hwy to make it more bicycle and pedestrian friendly.  Whilst nothing has been formalised, the investigation of this treatment is one of the highest priority projects under the City of South Perth/Town of Victoria Park Bike Plan.

  • Would the town consider subsidies (and reimbursements for those who have already invested in) for solar panels?

    owneroperator asked over 4 years ago


    Thanks for your query.  Yes, as part of the plan, consideration will be given to incentives for residents and businesses to adopt renewable energy technology, including solar panels.

  • Could the Town supply discounted water tanks to residents for storage of rain water.

    John Park asked over 4 years ago

    Hi John

    Thanks for your question.

    The Town is a part of the Rewards for Residents program, which seeks to raise awareness of products and services that can help make your home more energy and water efficient and to assist residents in taking up these products.

    Residents can access rebates on a range of sustainable products from our program partners, including rain water tanks.

    Please see link below: