Burswood Area Parking Review

Consultation has concluded

Following a parking review of the Burswood area, the Town of Victoria Park is implementing changes to improve the usability and safety for current and future users.

We are making these changes

Existing Issues
Proposed Treatment
Aim of Change
Asquith Street –Shepperton Road to Burswood Road
1P not best fit for adjacent business
Increase 1P to 2P (ticket)
Parking spaces better utilised by adjacent business - consistent with existing on-street parking at Asquith Street
Burswood Road – Asquith Street to Twickenham Street
Parking congestion caused by Perth CBD commuters parking all day
All-day paid parking - $1/hr or $5/day
Detering Perth CBD commuters will provide more availability for Burswood users
Burswood Road –Twickenham Street to Hawthorne Place
1/4P no longer required
Increase 1/4P to 2P
Provides adequate timed parking in area which will be better utilised
Burswood Road – Egham Road to Great Eastern Highway
1/4P no longer required
Increase 1/4P to 2P (ticket)
Consistent with existing on-street parking at Burswood Road
Craig Street –
Great Eastern Highway to Burswood Road
No current restrictions on street
Install 2P timed restrictions
Detering Perth CBD commuters will provide more availability for Burswood users
Thorogood Street –
Craig Street to Hawthorne Place
1P not best fit for adjacent business
Increase 1P to 2P (ticket)
Parking spaces better utilised by adjacent business - consistent with existing on-street parking at Thorogood Street

Following a parking review of the Burswood area, the Town of Victoria Park is implementing changes to improve the usability and safety for current and future users.

We are making these changes

Existing Issues
Proposed Treatment
Aim of Change
Asquith Street –Shepperton Road to Burswood Road
1P not best fit for adjacent business
Increase 1P to 2P (ticket)
Parking spaces better utilised by adjacent business - consistent with existing on-street parking at Asquith Street
Burswood Road – Asquith Street to Twickenham Street
Parking congestion caused by Perth CBD commuters parking all day
All-day paid parking - $1/hr or $5/day
Detering Perth CBD commuters will provide more availability for Burswood users
Burswood Road –Twickenham Street to Hawthorne Place
1/4P no longer required
Increase 1/4P to 2P
Provides adequate timed parking in area which will be better utilised
Burswood Road – Egham Road to Great Eastern Highway
1/4P no longer required
Increase 1/4P to 2P (ticket)
Consistent with existing on-street parking at Burswood Road
Craig Street –
Great Eastern Highway to Burswood Road
No current restrictions on street
Install 2P timed restrictions
Detering Perth CBD commuters will provide more availability for Burswood users
Thorogood Street –
Craig Street to Hawthorne Place
1P not best fit for adjacent business
Increase 1P to 2P (ticket)
Parking spaces better utilised by adjacent business - consistent with existing on-street parking at Thorogood Street

Consultation has concluded

Need more information? Ask us a question.

  • As a resident of the Aqua tower 2 Oldfield Street and living between the Casino and the Stadium will we have the 'Subiaco' style parking signs where you list all game day dates with NO PARKING? I am concerned that our local streets will be used for parking on game days or concerts can the residents have a sticker for their cars when parked in the street, otherwise we will not be able to entertain our guests for a BBQ or invitation to dinner. Kind regards.

    Jo asked over 7 years ago

    Thanks for your question Jo. I am in the final stages of putting another Your Thoughts consultation together for the Burswood Peninsula which will focus on two areas: general parking conditions and specific event parking. You should receive a letter shortly for participation in this.

    The Town is exploring options to manage parking on event days and will be looking to explore these further with the community during the consultation process.

    In the mean time, if the Town can help in any other way please feel free to make contact on 9311 8111 or at parking@vicpark.wa.gov.au



  • Our offices are located at 172 Burswood Road, Burswood. Across the road is GO Edwards Parking precinct no. 17. Our staff and visitors regularly park there. Over the past three months we have had more than half a dozen breakins, one attempted steal of vehicle and one vehicle stolen (still not recovered). Can I ask that priority be given to the installation of CCTV for the safety and security of users of this facility given its closeness to the park area - it is very easy for people to come up through the park and steal from the vehicles. It has come to the point where are staff are no longer parking there and are seeking alternatives. I would anticipate that this is costing the Town approximately $500 in lost revenue per week. I can assure you if CCTV cameras were installed you would soon see a return of your revenue.

    Robyn asked almost 8 years ago

    Thank you for your email Robyn, while it is disheartening to hear of the recent incidents can I ask that if you haven't already please ensure all incidents are reported to the Police on 131 444.

    I have passed your idea regarding the CCTV installation to the Town's Safer Neighbourhoods Officer for further review. If you would like to discuss these issues feel free to email parking@vicpark.wa.gov.au and I will arrange a meeting.