How were the treatment locations selected?

    Treatment locations were selected through discussions with Main Roads WA and intersections were selected based on speed and traffic crash statistics.

    Can my street be considered for inclusion in this program?

    If further funding is made available under this program, future locations will be selected based on crash patterns within a similar small local area. If there is a local intersection that you think could benefit from similar safety upgrades, let us know using our online feedback form here or contact the Town directly on

    What is a 'mini roundabout'?

    Mini roundabouts can be installed within existing kerb lines where a traditional roundabout may require extensive intersection reconstruction. This treatment requires the vehicle driver to moderate their speed on approach and through the intersection.

    As all vehicles approaching the intersection have to do so with caution, giving way to any road user already in the roundabout, mini roundabouts discourage vehicles from traveling in a straight line, which can reduce speed and crash severity by 78.9%.

    What is a 'raised platform'?

    A slightly raised area across an intersection can reduce the speed vehicles can comfortably travel through an intersection on all approaches.

    Research undertaken for Main Roads confirms this treatment can lower vehicle speeds and the severity of right-angle crashes. The raised safety platform in the example shown has ‘shark teeth’ markings to signal to road users that there is a change in the height of the road surface.

    What is a 'speed hump plateau'?

    Mid-block speed humps are designed to reduce vehicle speeds and discourage non-local through traffic.

    How is the project funded?

    This project is fully funded by Main Roads WA under their Urban Road Safety Program.