What is a Place Plan?
The Place Plans are an easy to navigate list of work the Town will undertake in each of its neighbourhoods over a four year period. There is a Place Plan for each of the Town's nine (9) neighbourhoods
Why did the Town need to create Place Plans?
Traditionally Local Government Authorities have separated the responsibility of delivering great places across a variety of different disciplines. This siloed approach inevitably ends in conflict and competition and, in some instances, can lead to less than desirable outcomes for places.
The Place Plans provide a ‘place filter’ on the Town’s suite of Informing Strategies to create a clear ‘work list’ for each of the neighbourhoods within the Town.
The Place Plans are action plans that clearly demonstrate what is planned to be delivered in each neighbourhood across the entire organisation. This provides a clear, one-stop shop for the community to access critical information about their neighbourhood, while also providing the means for a cross-departmental approach to the delivery of great place outcomes.
What are the nine different neighbourhoods in the Town?
There are nine neighbourhoods in the Town as outlined below.
How do the Place Plans relate to the annual budget?
The Place Plans directly inform the Town’s
Corporate Business Plan, which is a
requirement for all Local Governments. An
outline of the role of the Place Plans in the
Towns Integrated Planning and Reporting
Framework is provided below.