This Zone includes the West Coast Eagles' new administration, training and community facilities. These include the Community Education Centre, the Community Events and Function Centre and the Interactive Sports and Cultural Centre.
The new Community Education Centre will provide vital facilities for the delivery of a broad range of community programs in partnership with the Town of Victoria Park, other community agencies and groups.
The Zone will also provide a new home for the Wirrpanda Foundation, a leading national organisation that focuses on improving the quality of life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians through education, employment and health programs.
Thanks for your involvement
The Lathlain Park Management Plan, which sets the overall principles for the use and future development of Lathlain Park, has now been finalised with valued input from stakeholders and the community.
Council is set to consider the draft Management Plan for endorsement to advertise in October. If Council elects to proceed to advertising you will have a further opportunity to comment on the Plan for a period of 28 days.
Keep an eye out on the Lathlain Precinct website(External link) or contact our Project Manager for further information about progress on the Management Plan or this zone.
This Zone includes the West Coast Eagles' new administration, training and community facilities. These include the Community Education Centre, the Community Events and Function Centre and the Interactive Sports and Cultural Centre.
The new Community Education Centre will provide vital facilities for the delivery of a broad range of community programs in partnership with the Town of Victoria Park, other community agencies and groups.
The Zone will also provide a new home for the Wirrpanda Foundation, a leading national organisation that focuses on improving the quality of life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians through education, employment and health programs.
Thanks for your involvement
The Lathlain Park Management Plan, which sets the overall principles for the use and future development of Lathlain Park, has now been finalised with valued input from stakeholders and the community.
Council is set to consider the draft Management Plan for endorsement to advertise in October. If Council elects to proceed to advertising you will have a further opportunity to comment on the Plan for a period of 28 days.
Keep an eye out on the Lathlain Precinct website(External link) or contact our Project Manager for further information about progress on the Management Plan or this zone.
Ask us a question related specifically to the West Coast Eagles Zone of the Lathlain Precinct.
Why is the water to fill the BLC water truck being taken from the Water Hydrant in McCartney Cres rather than the bore located in the south west corner of the old car park?
over 8 years ago
As a result of construction works the aforementioned bore is unavailable. Permission was obtained by BCL from the Town and Department of Water to access the hydrant on McCartney Crescent.
As the old scoreboard was demolished and broken up on 20 Sept 16, was it considered no longer to be of any significant importance to the Town of Victoria Park, Perth Football Club, WCE or the WAPC.
It was recommended to be retained and included as part of the redevelopment in the WCE Development Application to the Town of Victoria Park/WAPC.
over 8 years ago
The scoreboard, being the black facade panels and numbers used for scoring, has been salvaged intact and is currently being stored by the Town of Victoria Park. This was undertaken by contractor BCL in consultation with Town of Victoria Park representatives.
What quantity of timber from the seating was salvaged and retained for reuse in the Redevelopment of Oval 1?
over 8 years ago
All timber which was undercover within the stand has been salvaged (the top seven rows of seats).
Can you please confirm the number of years the West Coast Eagles will fund the employees at the Town of Victoria Park ? Can you state the annual income derived from the cost of the employees? Will the West Coast Eagles funding of the employees be indexed annually and at what rate?
over 8 years ago
The lease to the West Coast Eagles (WCE) requires that the Tenant provide the equivalent of two full-time employees for the Community Benefits Program for the term of the lease. Details of the Community Benefits Program are yet to be finalised.
Can you please confirm as per the lease agreement and the major land transaction the number of car bays the West Coast Eagles will build on Zone 3. There is provision in both these documents for up to 250 bays. Will the Town seek to ensure the West Coast Eagles build 250 bays as there is also provision in to make these bays available to Perth Football Club on game days? By doing so this relieves the pressure for car parking on Zone 2. The local community do not require car parking on Zone 2.
over 8 years ago
The West Coast Eagles (WCE) are permitted to construct up to 250 car bays within their building envelope. Reciprocal rights will extend to the Perth Football Club (PFC) for their use on match days. The actual number of bays to be constructed within Zone 3 by the WCE will be finalised as part of a development application for the facility on that zone.
Could you advise whether the tree reconciliation against the Paperbark Technologies report to identify which zones the trees are located, has been completed. If so, could the findings be advised or uploaded on the Your Thoughts website and IntraMaps. If it hasn't been completed, what is the expected completion date?
over 8 years ago
Hi Methanol
An audit of trees within Lathlain Park has been undertaken by Paperbark Technologies on behalf of the Town and is expected to be finalised by the end of next week.
We will publish findings of the audit once finalised.
With regard to the McCartney Cres side of Oval 1 - I assume the Zone 3 boundary fence will be on the inside of the ficus trees to enable community access as this is part of Zone 2. Is that correct?
over 8 years ago
Hi Soozeee
Fencing for Oval 1 has not yet been finalised. Detailed designs currently underway are required to take into account numerous factors. These include protecting tree health, providing community access to trees and providing adequate spectator facilities for the Perth Football Club match days.
At this point it is anticipated fencing will sit on the crest of the hill, oval side of the ficus trees, but this will need to be confirmed following detailed design.
Perth Football Club previously had public parking on site for approx 400 cars. Now this is part of Zone 3, how will the car bays be incorporated into Zone 3 - understand the Eagles will have around 150 car bays. So how will approx 250 car bays be made available?
over 8 years ago
Hi Soozeee
Parking will be provided in Zones 1, 2, 3 and 7 to accommodate peak game day requirements for the Perth Football Club (PFC) in the long term.
During the construction phase of each zone, some additional temporary parking may be provided at Tom Wright Reserve to accommodate PFC game day requirements.
Could the ToVP and WAPC approved Construction Management Plan, the Dust Management Plan and the Landscape Management Plan including a Tree Replacement Strategy be uploaded onto the My Thoughts and Lathlain Redevelopment websites for the community information?
From the response below currently only the Construction Management Plan and the Dust Management Plan are submitted and approved. When the Tree Replacement Strategy is completed could this also be uploaded.
over 8 years ago
The Tree Replacement Strategy can be made available via Your
Thoughts and other means when it is completed.
The Construction Management Plan and Dust Management Plan were prepared by consultants
commissioned by the West Coast Eagles, and therefore the Town is not able to
display or publish these documents without the consent of the West Coast
The Paperbark Technologies Pty Ltd Tree Summary Report has reference numbers for all 271 trees located on the Lathlain Oval site.
Could the Town of Victoria Park's arborist identify which of the three zones each tree is located using the Paperbark Technologies Pty Ltd spreadsheet and reference numbers?
Could the arborist identify and advise the reference numbers for the "TREE WITH POTENTIAL FOR RETENTION" as nominated on page 16 of the WCE Forwards Work Application?
Could the arborist complete a spreadsheet report on which of the 96 trees in Zone 1 were removed or are pending removal, awaiting a decision from the ToVP CEO, and those trees which will be retained and also if any trees in Zones 1 or 2 were removed?
If the reply regarding the trees in Zone 1 and 2 reference numbers could be received prior to 26 Aug 16, it would be beneficial so it can be discussed at Workshop No 2 (28 Aug 16).
over 8 years ago
The Town will be undertaking a survey of the site to
ascertain compliance with the plans approved by the WAPC as part of the Forward
Works Development Application, in particular focusing on tree removals.
A further reconciliation against the Paperbark Technologies
report to identify which zones the trees are located in will not be completed
prior to 26 August 2016 but can be progressed.