Town staff have identified that the purchase of iPads or similar tablets may assist in the delivery and efficiency of programs throughout the organisation.
ICT currently have four iPads for service areas to utilise in the delivery of such programs i.e. event evaluations, community engagement and customer service deliverables.
What is happening now?
We would now like to take a whole of organisation approach to ascertain each service areas' requirements for the use of this equipment, and whether purchase of additional equipment is required.
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Town staff have identified that the purchase of iPads or similar tablets may assist in the delivery and efficiency of programs throughout the organisation.
ICT currently have four iPads for service areas to utilise in the delivery of such programs i.e. event evaluations, community engagement and customer service deliverables.
What is happening now?
We would now like to take a whole of organisation approach to ascertain each service areas' requirements for the use of this equipment, and whether purchase of additional equipment is required.