Homelessness in Vic Park
Consultation has concluded

The Town of Victoria Park operates under Policy 113 Homelessness – The Town’s role. Under the policy, the Town aims to partner with homelessness service providers to connect people in need to services, resources and facilities that enhance their physical, social and emotional wellbeing.
In 2019, Town staff and representatives from the Supporting People with Basic Needs network began a review of the Homelessness Policy. In 2020, internal Town service areas and the wider community were engaged to contribute their experiences and ideas into the review. Over 320 people participated.
The review led to the development of a new Policy 113 Homelessness - The Town's role.
What's happening now?
Council adopted the new Policy 113 Homelessness - The Town's role at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 16 June 2020. A Homelessness Policy Implementation Plan has also been developed, outlining the actions. the Town will be delivering over the next three years. Thank you to all that were involved.
How can I find out more information?
- Visit www.victoriapark.wa.gov.au/homelessness
- View the documents in the Document Library