Where is the Hillview Bushland?

    The Hillview Bushland is situated on the corner of Hillview Terrace and Berwick Street, East Victoria Park.  Being a small patch within a highly urbanised area means conservation has been challenging, with the bushland experiencing incremental degradation over time.

    Why is the Town developing a management plan for Hillview Bushland?

    The Hill View Community Bushland is remnant Banksia woodland situated on the corner of Hillview Terrace and Berwick Street.

    As well as supporting its own ecosystem, the bushland offers a feeding patch to native birds as well as walk trails and community artwork.  

    Hillview Bushland tree canopy has declined over the last 10 years and the site is in need of attention to increase the quality and value of the vegetation.

    The value of having this remaining habitat amongst such an urbanised environment is significant.  

    The Town of Victoria Park, in partnership with our community, is developing the Hillview Bushland Management Plan.  The main purpose of this Plan will be to provide direction in respect to how the Hillview Bushland can be protected and enhanced into the future.

    What is a bushland management plan?

    The main purpose of a bushland management plan is to provide direction, via a number of actions, to protect and enhance an areas biodiversity now and into the future.

    How big is the site?

    The bushland is a remnant Banksia woodland occupying just over a hectare of land (1.0143Ha to be precise!).

    What are the main threats to the bushland?

    Threatening processes relevant to the urban bushlands include:

    • weeds
    • dieback
    • arson
    • trampling of native flora / vegetation
    • introduced fauna / pests
    • vandalism and rubbish dumping
    • dumping garden refuse
    • soil dumping and excavation
    • changes to hydrological regimes
    • edge effects from surrounding land parcels
    • development of surrounding land parcels.

    How does this management plan align with the strategic plans of the Town of Victoria Park?

    The management plan is an action under the Town’s Environment Plan 2013-2018, which is the document which guides the Town’s environmental management.

    The Town's new Environment Plan is currently under development.

    How has the draft management plan been developed?

    The Town of Victoria Park is developing the Hillview Bushland Management Plan in partnership with our community.

    To date, as well as a survey seeking feedback on what our community would like to see included within the draft Plan, on 31st January 2019 the Town held a community workshop. 

    Attended by 40 community members, the workshop was an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss their requirements and any issues related to the bushland that fed into the development of the management plan. 

    How often will the Town review the plan?

    This management plan is intended to be reviewed and updated after five years.

    How can I get involved in the management of the site?

    Contact the Town’s Environmental Officer, Brendan Nock, on 9311 8143 or email bnock@vicpark.wa.gov.au