Have your say on events in Vic Park

Consultation has concluded

The Town is asking for community input to develop a new events strategy, which will help the Town to deliver and attract the best events, activate the right places and partner with the right organisations to make Victoria Park a dynamic place for everyone.

The new events strategy will be a four-year guiding document that aligns with the aspirations of the Town’s Strategic Community Plan.

Input from the community and key stakeholders will play a vital part in developing the strategy and guiding the direction for future events across the Town.

The Town plays an important role in delivering events, but also as a partner, sponsor and facilitator of community-organised events and activities across Vic Park.

We want to find out what types of events people want and where those events should be held, to ensure we can provide a diverse program of events with wide appeal.

Town staff will be out at community events and key hubs to chat with community members throughout the engagement period - make sure to keep an eye out for us and come say hi.

Get involved

To have your say on events in Vic Park:

Feedback is invited until: Sunday 5 December 2021.

For more information, contact the Town on 9311 8111 or mail@vicpark.wa.gov.au.

The Town is asking for community input to develop a new events strategy, which will help the Town to deliver and attract the best events, activate the right places and partner with the right organisations to make Victoria Park a dynamic place for everyone.

The new events strategy will be a four-year guiding document that aligns with the aspirations of the Town’s Strategic Community Plan.

Input from the community and key stakeholders will play a vital part in developing the strategy and guiding the direction for future events across the Town.

The Town plays an important role in delivering events, but also as a partner, sponsor and facilitator of community-organised events and activities across Vic Park.

We want to find out what types of events people want and where those events should be held, to ensure we can provide a diverse program of events with wide appeal.

Town staff will be out at community events and key hubs to chat with community members throughout the engagement period - make sure to keep an eye out for us and come say hi.

Get involved

To have your say on events in Vic Park:

Feedback is invited until: Sunday 5 December 2021.

For more information, contact the Town on 9311 8111 or mail@vicpark.wa.gov.au.

  • Have your say about the future of events in Vic Park.

    Feedback is invited until Sunday 5 December 2021.

    Consultation has concluded