What is ‘Ask the People’?

    As part of our planning for the public participation part of the Evolve project, we want to ask people in the community their preferences for participating in the Evolve public participation process, hence the name ‘Ask the People’.

    What is the Evolve project?

    The Evolve project is a process that the Town is going through to prepare a Strategic Community Plan, a Corporate Business Plan, a Long-term Financial Plan, an Asset Management Plan and a Workforce Plan.

    The objective of Evolve is to know the community’s future needs and wants by October 2016 and how they can be realised by June 2017.

    To find out the community’s future needs and wants, the Town is planning a six month public participation process which will be designed to collect as much information from as many people as possible.

    Why does the Town want to ‘Ask the People’?

    The Town wants to provide as many ways as possible for people in the community to participate in the Evolve project.

    In order to do this, the Town needs to understand people’s preferences for participating.

    What are some of the ways that information is being collected?

    We’re running workshops with fifteen stakeholder groups from around the Town.

    We’ve also set up a short survey on the Town’s Your Thoughts website.

    How will my answers help?

    The information that we collect will help us to prepare an Evolve Public Participation Plan. That plan will outline the who, why, how and what will be done between February 2016 and July 2016.

    Will my preferences be listened to?

    Our goal is to get as many people as possible to participate in the Evolve Public Participation process. This means that where we can, we will do our best to meet as many people’s preferences as possible.

    How do I find out more about Ask the People and/or Evolve?

    At the moment, the best way to find out more about these projects is to email evolve@vicpark.wa.gov.au and someone from the project team will get back to you.