How can I keep informed about the budget?

    The Town will be disseminating key outcomes from meetings of Elected Members throughout the budgeting process. Community members can find this information through:

    What are the focus areas for the 2022-23 Budget?

    At a workshop in December 2021, Council approved three proposed focus areas, or themes, for the Budget, which were then revealed to the community for comment via a survey. 

    The themes, which achieved widespread support, are:

    • Green and clean Vic Park  
      • Creating a green and clean Vic Park through sustainable and accessible urban design.
      • Taking action to address the climate emergency should underpin everything we do going forward.
    • Thriving and vibrant Vic Park
      • Building a thriving and vibrant Vic Park through events, community engagement, urban design and support for local business.
    • Improving the Town's financial health
      • Improving the Town's financial health through focusing on asset renewals, reduction of operating costs and projects that will lead to income generation.

    For a breakdown on the survey results, see the Document Library on the home page. 

    How has community feedback been considered?

    Between February and March, 2022, the Town reached out to the community to gain insight into how they felt about budget themes and the kinds of initiatives and projects they wanted to see pursued over the coming financial year. 

    These insights were gained via:

    • An online survey covering the proposed budget themes
    • Community Budget Workshops offering the chance to speak to Councillors and register their level of support for various capital works programs and initiatives under consideration. 

    Long-form written responses were also received from both survey respondents and workshop attendees that addressed topics beyond the set questions asked. These responses were passed to the Councillors, along with the rest of the data collected, for their consideration as they formulate their visions for the coming budget. 

    When will rates be announced?

    Rates were announced in July. Notices are due to be delivered in September. 

    What are differential rates?

    Differential rates mean there is a different rate for different groups ie: residential, commercial and industrial. The reason for them is so one group isn’t burdened by rate increases more significantly than others.