VICTORIA PARK – Lot 1 (467), Lot 2 (479), Lot 3 (487) and Lot 4 (493) Albany Highway - Mixed Use Development

Consultation has concluded

The Town has received a development application for Mixed Use Development. The proposed development is comprised of the following:

  • A total built form of four storeys above ground.
  • Basement level car parking.
  • Ground floor commercial uses consisting of one shop and three office tenancies
  • 19 residential apartments on the second, third and fourth storeys.

In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – “Community Consultation on Planning Proposals”, you are invited to comment on the following matters:

  • Proposed Use - A Shop is classified as an “AA” (discretionary use) within the commercial zone under Town Planning Scheme No. 1.
  • Plot Ratio - The proposed development has a plot ratio of 1.81:1 with a plot ratio floor area of 2354m2. The maximum plot ratio permitted under Town Planning Scheme No. 1 is 1:1 with a floor area of 1295m2.
  • Building Height - The proposal includes several building components with varying heights as follows:
    • Where directly abutting Albany Highway, the building has a height of approximately 12 metres in lieu of a maximum permitted height of 7.5 metres;
    • The building has an overall maximum height of approximately 15 metres in lieu of a maximum permitted height of 11.5 metres;
  • Car Parking (commercial) - The proposed development proposes a shortfall in on-site commercial car parking of 10 bays. While 20 bays are required to be provided to comply, 10 bays (excluding tandem bays) have been proposed.
  • Car Parking (residential) - The proposed development proposes a shortfall in on-site car parking for visitor bays of 4 bays. While 4 bays are required to be provided to comply, no visitor bays have been proposed.

Where can I view the application?

A copy of the plans and supporting information are available to view in the Plans and Documents section located on the right side of this page.

How can I comment?

Any comments you wish to make on the proposal are to be submitted by close of business Tuesday, 24 September 2019, by one of the following:

  • Online, using the submission form below
  • By email:, quoting reference number 5.2019.353.1
  • By letter: Town of Victoria Park, Locked Bag No. 437, Victoria Park WA 6979, quoting reference number 5.2019.353.1

How can I find out more information?

The assessing officer for the application is Planning Officer, Sturt McDonald. You can contact Sturt on 08 9311 8111 or ask a question via the link below.

For detailed enquiries, we recommend that you contact the assessing officer to arrange a meeting (during business hours) at the Town's administration centre.

Who will decide this application?

The decision-maker for this development application is the Metro Central Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP).

It is noted that the decision-maker will take into account the comments received, however, are not obliged to support these views.

The Town has received a development application for Mixed Use Development. The proposed development is comprised of the following:

  • A total built form of four storeys above ground.
  • Basement level car parking.
  • Ground floor commercial uses consisting of one shop and three office tenancies
  • 19 residential apartments on the second, third and fourth storeys.

In accordance with Local Planning Policy 37 – “Community Consultation on Planning Proposals”, you are invited to comment on the following matters:

  • Proposed Use - A Shop is classified as an “AA” (discretionary use) within the commercial zone under Town Planning Scheme No. 1.
  • Plot Ratio - The proposed development has a plot ratio of 1.81:1 with a plot ratio floor area of 2354m2. The maximum plot ratio permitted under Town Planning Scheme No. 1 is 1:1 with a floor area of 1295m2.
  • Building Height - The proposal includes several building components with varying heights as follows:
    • Where directly abutting Albany Highway, the building has a height of approximately 12 metres in lieu of a maximum permitted height of 7.5 metres;
    • The building has an overall maximum height of approximately 15 metres in lieu of a maximum permitted height of 11.5 metres;
  • Car Parking (commercial) - The proposed development proposes a shortfall in on-site commercial car parking of 10 bays. While 20 bays are required to be provided to comply, 10 bays (excluding tandem bays) have been proposed.
  • Car Parking (residential) - The proposed development proposes a shortfall in on-site car parking for visitor bays of 4 bays. While 4 bays are required to be provided to comply, no visitor bays have been proposed.

Where can I view the application?

A copy of the plans and supporting information are available to view in the Plans and Documents section located on the right side of this page.

How can I comment?

Any comments you wish to make on the proposal are to be submitted by close of business Tuesday, 24 September 2019, by one of the following:

  • Online, using the submission form below
  • By email:, quoting reference number 5.2019.353.1
  • By letter: Town of Victoria Park, Locked Bag No. 437, Victoria Park WA 6979, quoting reference number 5.2019.353.1

How can I find out more information?

The assessing officer for the application is Planning Officer, Sturt McDonald. You can contact Sturt on 08 9311 8111 or ask a question via the link below.

For detailed enquiries, we recommend that you contact the assessing officer to arrange a meeting (during business hours) at the Town's administration centre.

Who will decide this application?

The decision-maker for this development application is the Metro Central Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP).

It is noted that the decision-maker will take into account the comments received, however, are not obliged to support these views.

  • Send us your comments by 5pm Tuesday 24 September 2019

    Please note that only submissions with verifiable names and addresses can be accepted.

    Consultation has concluded