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Development application submission form

Send us your comments by 5.00pm Monday 28 October 2019

Please note that only submissions with verifiable names and addresses can be accepted.

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Select option

8.   I am the
9.   How did you hear about this development application? ** required
10.   After considering the likely impact this proposal has on your property or suburb, do you:* required
Privacy and Personal Information:
In making a submission on a development application, you provide Council with personal information. This information will be held by Council to enable us to contact you in the course of consideration of the application and to ensure completeness of our records in relation to the application. Submissions are not confidential. They form part of the development application and may be included in reports to Council / JDAP, and may be made available for public viewing.